Chapter XXVI

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(Minhos POV)

When we got back inside, she was quiet. I could tell it was eating her alive. She bit her finger nails out of nervousness. I could tell she hated feeling this way.

When I first met her, she was bubbly and persistent, but deep down, she's still stuck as that 7 year old girl who lost her brother and took all the blame.

Deep down she was still a kid who couldn't let go or move on from what had happened.

On the way home, she laid her head against the car window. Letting out soft sighs as she held back tears. That little girl was still present in her.

When we got home, she laid in bed. I couldn't get her to speak even by trying. "Do you want to watch a movie?" She stayed silent. "What about a walk?" She shook her head. "Okay. I'll leave you be." I closed the door behind me.

I finished all of her household chores and played with Milo in between everything. I heard the door crack open as she came out.

"I'm sorry." She sniffled.

"For what, sweetheart?" I stood up from the floor.

"For the silent treatment." She looked down, rubbing her arm. She was embarrassed.

"Don't apologize for that." I smiled, keeping my distance incase she needed it. "I'm not mad. Everything is okay between us." I reassured her.

"Do you regret risking it with me?" She looked up.

I shook my head. "Absolutely not, princess. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." My words were enough to make her break. She ran to me with her arms wide opened and embraced me while sobbing.

"I'm so sorry." She sobbed. I caressed her head.

"It's okay." I slightly bounced as if I were bouncing a baby. "You're okay." I kissed the top of her head.

She looked up at me. "Come with me." She begged. "To Seunghans grave."

"I'll go anywhere with you." I pulled her back in and rested her on my shoulder. "Let's go to bed." I carried her into the room, slowly tucking her in.

As we laid there, a part of me broke. I never knew I was taking on such a big responsibility when I got with her, but it was exactly what I needed. She needed me and I needed her.

(Soojins POV)

The next morning we got on the first flight back to my hometown. I live far away from home, but it was for good reason.

I needed time to heal, but moving never helped the pain go away. I just bottled it up until it started to hurt more.

When we had arrived, Minho grabbed our bags and we walked a little ways to a hotel in which we were staying.

As we got settled in our hotel room, Minho was full of questions, but he was too scared to ask too many.

"Did you grow up here?" I nodded. "It's beautiful." He smiled.

"I know you're dying to know. Just ask me." I laughed.

"What are your parents like?" I pondered the question for a bit.

"Well my dad's fairly quiet. He's always on my moms side and does whatever she says. My mom is strict, but I like to think they love me." I looked down. "The death was hard on all of us. They're still mourning like I am."

He was silent for a second. "I'm sure they love you. You're the only child they have right now. Nothing they do or say will ever make up for the neglect they put you through, but maybe you'll turn out like Ari and her dad." He chuckled.

"I don't think so. Mom's pretty angry after what I said to her." I laid down, trying to take my mind off of everything. "Maybe one day she won't hate me as much."

He scooted closer to me, kissing my head. "Everything is going to be okay."

I stood up from my spot. "Let's get dressed to go see Seunghan." I smiled.

It was the first time in years that I had seen my brother. I was 7 when I last saw him.

I stood in the mirror putting on my best black dress. I had bought it years ago to go see Seunghan, but I never went.

I turned around to look at Minho who was already staring at me. "Do you like it?"

"It looks great on you." He smiled, tying his tie.

As we walked to the grave, I was nervous. I didn't want Seunghan to think I had forgotten about him.

"Do you think he remembers me?" I said out of fear.

"I'm sure he follows you everywhere. You're his big sister." He smiled.

When we got there, I stepped back from Minho. "What if he hates me?" He grabbed my hand.

"He loves you so much." He carefully guided me through the gate where we searched for his grave.

Until we found it. I stared at it as I noticed that someone had been keeping it clean. Pictures of him were taped around it. I dropped to my knees.

Minho stayed silent as he put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

I pulled out a note from my pocket. I've wrote down everything for years, waiting to tell him.

"My dearest Seunghan,

I know I am a few years late. I know you may be angry, but it took some time for me to build up the courage to see you. From the day you were born, I was so excited to have a brother. As I watched you grow and took care of you, you quickly became a part of me. On that day, when you died, a part of me died off with you.

I have always been with you and you have always been with me. I am sorry that on that day, you died alone and in pain. I should have known something was wrong from the start. I should have known that you weren't one to be alone.

You were always by my side and on that day, you weren't. You suffered until the end, but let me make it up to you by taking your pain. If I could change how things happened, it would've been me in that casket.

The part of me that died with you never came back. It lives forever with your soul that now roams free. You were quick to protect others so let me be the one to protect you. I am sorry if you have waited long for me to come see you and I am sorry if I have kept your soul from resting.

Please rest so I can now be at peace with what has happened to you. I love you more than I love myself. From now on, I will visit often and sit with you like we used to when we were kids. You will forever be my angel.

Love, your big sister, Soojin."

As I got up from my spot, shaking and teary eyed, Minho was first to hold me as I sobbed. "He heard all of that. He is at peace." I continued to cry. "He loves you too, Soojin."

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