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    Hyunjin hesitantly knocked on the door.

  "Who is it?"

  "It's, uh, Hyunjin, Felix,"

  He could he Felix take a breath, "Come in,"

   Hyunjin pressed the keycard against the scanner and entered the room.

  "Did Andrew text you?" Felix questioned.

  Hyunjin closed the door and walked further into the room, "Yeah, guess he was worried,"

   "It was just a couple scrapes,"

   Hyunjin sat at the edge of the bed.

   "He said that you might've twisted your ankle,"

    "I just fell is all, I'll live," Felix muttered.

  "You haven't cleaned up any of the scrapes they can get infected," Hyunjin said.

  "I hate when you're right,"

    "You hate a lot of things,"

    Felix rolled his eyes and went to stand up, but winced as soon as he put pressure on his right foot.

   "So he was right. Sit down, I'll clean up the wounds," Hyunjin said.

   "And how do you plan on cleaning the one on my knee, if I can't change out of my pants," Felix questioned.

  Hyunjin grinned a little, "Can help you out of them. It wouldn't be the first time,"

  Felix threw a pillow at Hyunjin, "Gross,"

   "You weren't saying that the first time,"

  Felix rolled his eyes, "I can change my pants, thank you very much,"

   Hyunjin stood up and hummed, "If you say so,"

   "I do, say so,"

    The older went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

   A couple minutes later Hyunjin was back sitting on Felix's bed, disinfecting the wounds.

  "I'm not six, I know how to clean my own cuts," Felix mumbled.

  "Really? Weren't you the same person who cut his finger on a knife and got squeamish when going to clean it?" Hyunjin questioned.

   "And that is why I had to go to the hospital a bit,"

   Hyunjin pursed his lips.

   "How was your time out with Andrew?"

   "It was good," Felix said.

"What did you guys talk about?" Hyunjin asked.

  "Uh, just stuff,"

   Hyunjin nodded.

    The two sat in silence for a little.

  "How did you fall?"

   "Uhm, crack in the walkway. I was walking away from Andrew and just wasn't paying attention," Felix said.

   "Did you guys get into an argument?"

  Felix pursed his lips and shook his head, "He asked me to dinner and one thing led to another, and you were brought up, Julianna was brought up, so I just needed to leave,"

    "Julianna and I?" Hyunjin questioned, beginning to put the stuff away.

   "Yeah, it just kind of came up and I mean, it just, yeah," Felix stammered.

   "Let me guess he told you I looked at you like you hung the whole universe?"

  "Something to the effects of that,"

  "He said something similar about Julianna, when I was with her," the older. muttered.

   Felix bit his lip, "So it's not even an original line coming from him about you," he muttered.

   "No, but you are the only one that I have said it about,"

   The younger adjusted to lay down.

  "You okay?" Hyunjin asked softly, as he moved some of Felix's hair.

     Felix closed his eyes at the warm touch, but pulled away just as fast.

    Hyunjin's brows drew together, "Felix, what's worng?"

  "Nothing, you should get back to Viola. I'll be fine," Felix said quickly.

   "Lix, is something wrong?"

     "No, I just am tired. I've barely slept in the past couple and I just need sleep,"

    "Do you want me to stay? Viola will be fine for a little longer and I'm sure Juni won't mind checking up on her,"

   "I'll be fine by myself,"

   "Uh, aright… I guess call me if you need any help or anything," Hyunjin said.

   "I'll call Karina if I need anything. You should focus on Viola and your interns," Felix told him.

  Hyunjin pursed his lips and nodded, "okay," he said quietly.


   "So like are you by any chance related to Wilfred Winslow?" The redhead asked.

  "Yeah, he is my older brother, I'm going to assume that you heard about the news regarding him,"

   Juni shook her head, "He tried to defend my father in court,"

  "Really, what did your father do?" Jack asked.

   "That is a long story for a different time, but let's just say he has to stay 1 mile away from me and he is prison for four more years," Juni said.

    "To be honest, my brother and I never knew each other. He's eighteen years older than me and we have different moms and when we did meet he was a pompous ass,"

    Juni laughed softly, "He was a bit of a jerk,"

    Jack nodded, "I'm curious, do you know Mr. Lee well?"

   "Ah, a little, my mother was his literature professor five years ago,"

    "So would it be okay for me to ask you on a date?" He asked.

   "Of course you can, also it isn't Felix you should be worried about, it is my uncle Hyunjin,"

  "As in the lawyer? The one we are travelling with right now?"

  Juni nodded, "Hyunjin is my mom's twin. I also have another Uncle who is a lawyer. I have a couple aunts who are lawyers, I have an aunt who is director to the FBI, and I have an aunt who is a psychologist,"

   "Ah, you have a big family," Jack said.

   "Actually, Hyunjin is my mom's only sibling. Everyone else are friends who call me and Viola their nieces. It is what usually stops people from taking me on dates," Juni said.

    Jack smiled, "Well, tomorrow, after the press thing, I am taking you on a date,"

   Juni hummed, holding back a smile.

Maybe, he is a nice guy… maybe.

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