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   "Julianna, you need to leave him alone. He has nothing to do with things between us,"

   "I have no clue what you are talking about," the woman said.

   Hyunjin clicked his tongue, "Threatening him will do nothing for you and bringing the daughter you never wanted into it is worse,"

   "She is still my daughter and I don't want him in her life. Especially after the little tid bit I found out from a police record,"

    "He has no police records," Hyunjin stated.

   "No, but his family, well besides a select few they have quite the record. I didn't realise how similar you an him are until after I found this. Do you know why he had therapy when he was younger?"

    "Yes, I do,"

   "Daddy had quite the temper," Julianna said.

   "Julianna, if you publish any of that I can promise you that the nice little job you are working and the nice little boyfriend of yours will go away in a blink of an eye," Hyunjin said.

   "You can't do that,"

   "It depends on who you got it from, because if you got it from a certain disbarred lawyer who is currently serving time for briding officials to get confidential information, then I can assure you that you will be in a similar place with only slightly different charges. It is up to you, Julianna, leave him, Viola, and I alone, or have the consequences of actions come to get you,"

   "Why are you protecting him? You're not even together," Julianna questioned.

   Hyunjin pursed his lips, "Because I care for him and love him. I always will,"

    "What happens when you realise he isn't who he says he is, hm? What happens then? While your past is a fucked up...his is fucked up in a completely different way,"

    "Julianna, you seem to forget that I did date him, so I know almost everything about him. As for you not wanting him around Viola, it doesn't matter, because one, he has been there for her better than you ever were and two, you have no parental rights regarding her.

  That was a choice you made yourself. We both know you're good at one thing at least and that is running away from someone when to you they don't serve a purpose.

  So, here is what we are going to do, you can leave him alone or you can go through with whatever it you are planning and not only face the wrath of the legal system, but also face the wrath of his siblings. Remember Minho is a lawyer and his older sister has connections in all the right places, because of what she does," Hyunjin told her.

   "And what about you? Are you just going to sit idly by?" She asked.

   Hyunjin hummed, "You probably wish that is how it would go, but it's not, so leave him alone,"

   He pulled the phone away from his ear when he heard the end call sound.

    "Now this is a story my bosses would love,"

    The brunet pursed his lips and looked to the woman.

   "It is also a story that will never run,"

  "I don't know seems kind of interesting. Your ex threatening Felix. You protecting him and the cherry on top is the fact that you and Felix dated, people would eat that up," Lindsey said.

     "Lindsey, don't,"

   "Oh, I won't, it would be to easy and while I do love a good story this one is too easy for me,"

   "No more stories about him," Hyunjin said.

   "He a pretty big name right now, especially since Andrew is deciding to make the rounds with anyone who will listen to him about Felix," Lindsey told Hyunjin.

   "He's what?"

   "He going to any magazine or tabloid, even some human interest show to basically be a dick,"

   Hyunjin pursed his lips, "Thank you for letting me know,"

    "I'm not letting you know as a reporter, I'm letting you know as a friend," Lindsey said.

     "Thiught you said a drunk night in cabo doesn't make us friends," Hyunjin said with a small smile.

   "That doesn't, but I see the way you care for him and I hate Andrew Park,"

    "You barely know him,"

   Lindsey hummed, "I may have had a one nightstand with him a year or two back. Honestly, what Felix said was true. I've had plenty of one nightstands and he was the worst, in my sound opinion. Also, I hate people who do stuff like Andrew is doing," she said.

   "Linds, you work at a tabloid,"

    "Yeah, well with my past it was one of the only places that would have me,"

   Hyunjin's brows drew together, "What do you mean?"

    The woman walked up to Hyunjin, "Everyone has a bit of a fucked up past. I'll see you tomorrow or something,"
    Lindsey walked away from Hyunjin, leaving him a little confused.

    However, the thing with Andrew came to the front of his mind leaving him annoyed.

  Now, to deal with that...

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