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  "Dude, I kind of wish I found something, but I literally didn't. I do find it odd that he is fifteen dating a twelve year old, but he is like clean as a whistle. I dug all the way back to pre-k, dude, is clean. His parents are great people, they volunteer, they foster cats, they are activist for gay rights and plenty of other things.

   He, himself, is president of the chess club, he is part of national honour society, part of future business leader of America, he created a group that is against bullying. He is part of his school's lgbtqia+ club.

   He is a straight A student. He is pan-romantic and Asexual, this info is on his insta. He has a whole highlight dedicated to how much he likes your daughter," Eden said, sitting on the arm of the couch.

   "So basically, I have been worrying for no good reason," Felix said.

   "Not necessarily, something is going on with Viola, so your worries there are reasonable," Yeonjun said.

  "And we've probably been making it worse..." Hyunjin muttered.

    "She is being bullied, not just words, but physically. She has made two different reports, both reports say that you and Felix were called," Eden said.

   Hyunjin's brows drew together, "We've never been called about it, if we were she sure as hell would not be in that school,"

  "Yeah, that is when I got curious, the student bullying her is the dean's daughter. My guess is they are trying to protect the girl and the reputation of the school," Yeonjun said.

   "Now here is where things have been more interesting, Mars knows and he has been trying to get Viola to tell you guys, but from what we saw, she hasn't told you because she thinks you don't care because the school told her they called you two," Eden said.

     "Now here is where things do get bad. The bullying from school moved to social media. It got to the point where Mars confronted the girl. Which did lead to an argument between Viola and Mars.

  Now, in this was a week before the engagement party, the two of them stopped talking and the bullying got worse because of Mars interfering. Three days after they stooped talking Vi messaged Mars saying that she messed up and needed to see him, that was twelve at night," Yeonjun explained.

   "Since then, messages have been about the arguments between the three of you and how Viola wants you guys to like Mars. Mars had been really understanding.

  Telling her he understands why you two are so cautious, especially Felix, since he dated an older guy when he was younger and it didn't turn out well. He has also been trying to get her to look at it from particularly Felix's view, saying that Felix just doesn't want her to experience the same situation," Eden explained.

    Felix covered his face with his hands.

  He felt like shit. Like absolute shit.

   Hyunjin wasn't feeling the best either.

   "There is another thing we should mention," Yeonjun said.

   "Yeah?" Felix questioned.

  "Viola has known Mars since before you guys moved back. She met him online. They only started dating though about a month after you guys moved back," Eden told them.

   "Thank you guys, for doing this," Hyunjin said.

   "Don't beat yourselves up over it too much, okay? You guys didn't know and you were being cautious," Yeonjun said.

  "Yeah, you guys are already better than my father, I still haven't directly talked to him in almost nine years, talk to my step mom though," Eden said.

   Hyunjin and Felix laughed softly.

     "I have to go, I have a interview at Nam university," Eden said, standing up from the floor.

  "I should go too, it is my day to take the kids to Taekwondo," Yeonjun said.

  "Okay, thank you guys again," Hyunjin said.

  Not ten minutes later Hyunjin and Felix were alone again.


   "Don't... don't try to to say that I was just being cautious. I wasn't, what I was doing was projecting the fact that I was hurt by someone older than me onto our daughter, instead of handling it in therapy," Felix said.

   "Okay, how about this. We both fucked up, we both were being a little too much because of what happened with you; however, it doesn't mean that us being cautious was wrong.

  Now, we haven't cleared this whole situation with Mars up and we probably won't until we talk to both of them and apologise for how we were acting, but for now we have to worry about a different situation.

   We need to deal with the bullying, because yes, school is out, but it is happening online. Also, while I do know that this attitude is probably a mix of everything, I think there should be some repercussions for some things she has said," Hyunjin stated.

   "I don't think there should be..."

   "I love you and I know that you feel bad about all that has happened, but she needs to realise that actions have consequences and the things she said and did like the saying she rather live with Julianna, the sneaking out, the being rude to everyone, we can't just let it slide,"

   "I understand that, but wouldn't it be too much?" Felix questioned.

   "Two day grounding. No phone, no computer, no Chris or Mars coming around, no TV, ni tablet, that is all,"

   "Fine, but after we work everything out... including the things with Mars,"

  Hyunjin sat next to Felix and pulled Felix into a cuddle, "Fair enough,"


   "Yeah, angel?"

  "When Yeji drops them home can you take the twins out for a bit so I can talk with Vi?" Felix asked.

   "Yeah, I can do that," Hyunjin said

  "Thank you,"

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