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  warning: use of the word slut, this chap might make you angry


  "We fought over literally everything," Felix said.

   "It sounds like Ash and I,"

   Felix sighed, "How did you and Lynn get through it?"

   Ava hummed, "We came to a compromise. Ash wanted daisies for the wedding and I wanted daffodils. I wanted the silver linen and Ash wanted blue linen. So we compromised, Ash got daisies and I got silver linen," she explained.


   "Lix, don't think to much into it. Yes, weddings and engagement parties can be stressful, but at the end of the day these thing don't matter. What matters is that you and professor Hwang are together and love each other,"

   "You don't have to call him professor Hwang. We aren't his students anymore,"  Felix said, with a small laugh.

     Ava laughed a little, "I can't help it, the end of semester with him it was drilled into us that it was professor Hwang, because some of us started to just call him Hyunjin or Professor Yeh Shuhua. It was pretty bad,"

    Felix put his phone speaker and set it on the counter, "End of semester couldn't have been that bad,"

   "Oh, he didn't tell you?" Ava asked.

  "No, Hyunjin didn't. Should I know?" Felix asked, pulling out chili peppers.

  "It was definitely something. After the Dean informed Hyunjin of you dropping out of his class, he was pretty upset. Then he found out from Yeji that you did technically still attend uni but were doing it online, that kind of just made it worse.

   He got a little harsher, colder. He even seemed a little more distant with Viola. I mean he was there and present for her, but he was distant and everyone could tell. I mean it got to a point where I think your brother and him got into an argument about it,"

   Felix's brows drew together, "They got into an argument about how Hyunjin was to Vi?"

  "About Viola, I'm not entirely sure, but Shuhua had to get between them when she saw how like seemingly physically aggressive they were getting with each other. It was pretty big talk around the university for a while," Ava explained.

   For a second Felix didn't want to believe, then he remembered how things between Hyunjin and Minho were still a little icy when Hyunjin proposed.

   "I mean I understand Minho being upset if Hyunjin was being cold to Vi. I mean Minho has five kids excluding his cats and bbama, but a physical altercation I don't see happening unless it was really bad,"

   "I have no clue to be honest. We heard the argument about Viola, so we all assumed that the also physical altercation was about her, but they started talking really quiet around the time of it.

   Honestly, if you are really curious, you can call Shuhua, she was there for the whole thing. Anyways, I have to go. Ash and I have dinner date tonight," she said.

   "Okay, give Ash my love, bye,"

     The call ended and Felix pursed his lips. Putting down the knife he washed his hands and picked his phone up.

   "Hey, how's it going?" Shuhua asked, when she picked the phone.

   "Hey, it is good. How are you?"

   "I am good. Is there a reason you called?"

  "Uhm, I was just talking with Ava and she mentioned end of semester after I left,"

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