Day 2 - Who I am Now

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You guys should know me first, because right now we are in the phase of getting to know each other. Soon you're gonna like me:)

So where should I start? We should keep it professional. So I will link everything I say to the subconscious mind somehow.

You should get to know me not only because I should give you reasons to like me, but I should tell you who I am now to see the difference in who I am at the end of this year.

I like to tell about me in a positive way, which I never did before. Because I am not only telling you these things. My subconscious mind is actually eavesdropping on my conscious mind's thinking and suggestions.

If I say I am a fool, my subconscious mind will take it seriously and make me a fool. I don't want that to happen.

But this may induce doubt in you. Is the subconscious mind a God to make any of your dreams or wishes come true?

Yes, it is. According to Dr.Joseph Murphy's book, it is the 'law of belief' behind everything. It is not about the religion or the rituals we follow. It is about the beliefs we have in our minds. Each and every religion has some miraculous story, which is mainly because of the beliefs of their devotees.

If you want miracles to happen in your life, you should first believe in them.

If you can't believe in yourself, who else will?

If you doubt your capabilities, everybody will.

If you feel struck, you will actually get struck.

So with these all in mind, let me tell you about me in a positive way.

I like to call myself a human being more than anything else. We all belong to the same species, and I don't want to separate myself by saying my citizenship, religion, or country.

I have a bachelor's degree, but I am much more capable than what is taught in my schools and colleges. I guess you are the same! We learn more from life than from colleges. I have lived more than 20 years in this world, which has given me the wisdom of an 80-year old;)

I like reading, writing, drawing, videography, video editing, and graphic design. I am a self-taught person in all these fields.

I am a YouTuber by profession who is waiting for an abundant return from my work. My videos and my writings are my assets, which are going to give me plenty of returns in the future. This is where I invested, so this is where I will get my returns. I also like to invest in stock markets, which I will do in the next 90 days.

My aim when it comes to wealth is actually 1 million dollars at the start of this year. Right now, I have made zero dollars, which is where everyone starts. I have 180 + short videos, which is my asset. I have already sown seeds for my wealth. Now I am just waiting for it to harvest. This year, within these 90 days, I strongly believe my YouTube channel is going to get monetized.

 This year, within these 90 days, I strongly believe my YouTube channel is going to get monetized

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I am just a video away. I am going to go viral, and I am going to get returns for my work in the near future.

Right now, the target for this year is roughly $1200. I can easily make that, I hope. I believe my subconscious mind is going to bring me that within these 90 days.

When it comes to health, I need strong bones. I need a vitamin-rich body. The wealthiness of the vitamins and proteins that I intake should shine in my face and hair. I need long lashes and dark brows with pale skin and extra-long hair.

These are just a piece of cake for my sub-mind.

When it comes to people, I need a good soul who will love me with all his heart. I need a friend who will listen to my ('sorrow' word came up in my mind, which was K̶i̶l̶l̶e̶d̶ right there) success stories.

We need a concrete plan and positive affirmations that we should repeat all day for our subconscious mind to work for us. Let's do that later.

I'm living right here through this journal, and we are meeting daily.

You will always remember me! Come back tomorrow! We can plan together to make some tremendous, life-changing improvements in 2023.

Bye! bye!

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