Day 48 - Perfection is Overrated😕

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Who doesn't like perfect things?

Almost everyone looks for perfection in almost everything.
First of all, there is no such thing as perfection. What is loved by the majority of people is referred to as perfect. Just like beauty, perfection is also in the eyes of the beholder.

I am a lover of perfection. I want to do everything as perfectly as possible.

But the cost of that thought is not doing anything at all.

We look for perfection when we start something, and we never attain that perfection, which in turn makes that piece of work never see the light.

I am such a girl. I have lots of good work that's in the trash. But now I am reducing my craving for perfection. Even for this journal, I am focusing more on consistency than perfection.

If perfection is all I need, I cannot make a perfect piece of work by myself within a single day.

There is an interesting story that is shared in the Atomic Habits book that goes like this: In a pottery class, one team is asked to make a single masterpiece that is good in quality in 30 days, whereas the other team is asked to make 30 pots in 30 days, thereby promoting the quantity. But at the end of the month, the best quality pots are made by the quantity team and not the quality team.

The reason is that if you consistently do something, the quality will automatically improve. But if you look for perfection in your very first piece, you cannot attain that at all. Because perfection is not something that can be attained in a day. Consistent improvements in everything you do can only lead to perfection in the end.

Do you know the reason why I am telling you all this?

I am writing a short story that I can complete in a day. But I am investing a week to write it just because I need a perfect story. But allocating more time does not necessarily mean that the quality of work will also improve.

The fear of a less perfect piece took over my mind, and I am wasting so much time on each and every line. Therefore, I am re-reading my story again and again before writing each statement, and I am still not satisfied with my results.

Over-cautiousness is just as dangerous as under-cautiousness. I think this is said in Think and Grow Rich.
Being overly cautious is not at all good. Learn to complete the task and be consistent. Learn to show a percentage improvement in everything you do. This is also something that I learned from the Atomic Habits book. I learned most of my knowledge, which I am sharing with you through books, especially Atomic Habits.
Once I get successful, in my interviews, I like to talk about the Atomic Habits book. That book taught me so many lessons, and one of those lessons is to stop looking for perfection and do work consistently with a percentage improvement. Soon you will reach the status of perfection that you are seeking.

I am trying to recall the wise words from the Atomic Habits book so that I can complete my story without looking for perfection.

Bye bye

(Nov. 9, 2023)

Going to sleep at 1.40 a.m.

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