Day 21 - Love♥️

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It's Friday, the 13th. But that didn't stop me from doing anything. 14/14 completed.

Lately, I can't resist falling in love,guys. I always wanted to love a person who was consistent, hardworking, and smart. But back then, I thought I was not good enough for such a person. I had a transition from effortlessly impressing people to trying hard to impress them just to fail.

My looks have not changed much. Then why didn't I attract people just the way I used to? I started to feel inferior. I felt like I was the choice, not the chooser. My self-confidence was crushed, and I didn't even have the courage to say no. I felt like I was not the one who could reject but could only get rejected.

But what had changed?

If it's not my appearance, then what else?

For the past 4 years, I haven't had much connection with the outer world. I arrested myself around the walls of my home. As I didn't talk with people much, I got very few compliments on my looks. I was praised rare or none for any of my deeds.

As per the Atomic Habits book, "Humans are herd animals," I felt like an animal that has lost its herd.

As I didn't get more compliments, I started to doubt myself. As doubts increased day by day, I started to devalue myself. I started to feel like the only failure out of my batchmates. I started to isolate myself more than ever before. I started to doubt my looks, my personality, my capabilities, and what else was left? I even doubted the reason for my existence.

When life was spiraling in a downward fashion, I was presented with the new year 2024. I wanted a change, and the main reason for it is actually a bit weird. If you want to blame someone for your failures, who will you blame? You cannot self-blame yourself. You need to blame someone else for your incapabilities and failures. If so, who are you ready to blame?

It's a million-dollar question. Think wisely and leave the answer in the comment section before reading the next line. For me, it's my parents. I blame my parents for everything. Though I am not right, I always find their faults. I always blame my parents for all my bad habits. I continued this even after crossing 20+ years. But in 2024, I realized that, soon or later, I might become a parent someday. If I can blame my parents, my child can also blame me for his or her incapabilities. So, first, I should improve myself. I should learn to see my own worth. A mediocre person usually makes a mediocre child. And that mediocre child will forever blame his parents for his misfortune. I don't want my kids to do that. I want to be a better version of myself in every way possible, just to impress my soon-to-be-born kids. By the way, I am not yet pregnant. I neither have a husband nor a boyfriend.

The point that I am trying to make is that if you don't love yourself, no one else will. Not even your husband or your child. First, learn to love yourself before trying to love someone else. I realized this and dedicated this year to improving myself. Finally, I am falling in love with myself.

As per Dr. Murphy's power of your subconscious mind, if you doubt your capabilities, everybody will. If you feel like you are a failure, your subconscious mind will work hard to make yourself a failure. Now I am starting to feel like an icon, a writer, and an influencer, so soon I am going to become such a person. This subconscious mind game is something that everyone should play.

It's not rocket science. Just try to see goodness in everything and try to speak positively. Avoid negativity in all its forms, which can be media or people. Try to be productive and cherish yourself for who you are.

Continue this for a few days, and soon you will fall in love just the way I did.♥️

Bye byeee!

-Araminta Flores
(October 14, 2023)


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