Day 26 - Manifesting✨♥️

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How bad can it hurt?
I am a person who is numb to almost everything. I don't feel for others that easily. The only thing that can hurt me is my own pain that clinches my throat and rushes a teeny-tiny drop of tears to my eyes that rarely fall out of it.
Rarely do I feel for others. But who is the 'other' I am talking about? For me, everyone who is other than me is others. Today, while I was talking to Mommy, I could sense her voice shattering. She must be literally tired to handle all that stuff alone. She is suffering a lot without me, I guess.
Up to this point, I was trying not to tell you,guys. But it's getting out of my control. Let's seek help from our subconscious mind. Tomorrow there is a test, and the result will also be declared tomorrow. If everything goes well and the test results are good, my mom will come back to me.
I need to make that happen. I need to manifest it so hard. It's 12.54 a.m., but I don't mind. I will meditate and manifest it again and again till my brain shuts down and puts me to sleep.
Tomorrow, you all will know the power of my subconscious mind. I desperately need my mom's return. Therefore, I have a strong desire, which is a prerequisite for unlocking the powers of the subconscious. I also have faith, which is the secret potion that should be added with a desire to make things happen.
Desire + faith = "success."
Hope for the best!
Good things are happening!
Mom's gonna come back to me, and once she is back, we are gonna fight just like we used to. I need my bossy mom back. I don't need her to be quite this way. Let her be the boss of me, and I will always be ready to serve her. But definitely, this is not how she interprets our relationship. If I want to be true to the facts, she is the kindest mom I have ever seen. Though I have only one mom, I have seen the moms of my friends and cousins. She is the best of all.
She calls herself 'Valatha keda', which can be translated to 'personally raised goat'. She always comes with me wherever I go. She used to say it as, 'I am coming with you to any place you take me, just like a (valatha keda) goat."
Once my mommy is back, I need a date with her.
Let's manifest it hard until I shut down.
Bye byeee
-Araminta Flores♥️
(October 18, 2023)

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