Day 87 - Object of Faith🧿➕✨

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Do you have any relics that you believe in wholeheartedly? Any object of faith? Anything that brings good to you, like magic?

I never had. But as I started this journey of the subconscious mind, I always wanted to have an object of faith. To have an object of faith, first I should believe that the piece is magical and that it can bring anything to me.

Belief is what makes the magic happen, not that exact relic. We should believe in the relic to unlock its magic. But the actual magic is none other than the powers of our subconscious mind.

But I can't trust a random art piece easily, hoping that it has magical powers. So I should buy that from a place I trust. So on my visit to the Shiva temple (Day 72: dating myself), I bought a small glass linga, hoping that it could bring good things to me.

For the last two days, I was holding it in my hands for almost half of the day. I try to have it in my hand as much as possible. While writing, while working on a computer, or while walking, I just hold it in my hand.

It was calming, and it gave me positive energy.

The Powers of Our Subconscious Mind book says that the object of faith can be fake and still produce results. Because the magic is actually held in faith and not the object.

Hold faith in a certain object. But the best object in which you can hold faith is yourself. Believe in you. You can get whatever you want only if you believe you can get it.

I sometimes do not have that belief. Actually, I hate myself for being lazy sometimes, and my conscious mind starts to reject the idea of me getting successful someday. Due to my laziness, my conscious mind thinks that I don't deserve the success that I am looking for. If you want to unlock your subconscious mind, meditation and positive affirmations are helpful. But what helps the most is doing something that can convince your conscious mind that you deserve the success you are looking for.

There is no such thing as something for nothing.—Think and Grow Rich book

Work hard. Stay positive. And having superstitious beliefs is okay only if they affect you in a positive way.

Bye byee

(Dec. 18, 2023)

Going to sleep at 1.20 a.m.

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