Day 58 - Daring Dreams💥

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I really wanted to be daring. I wanted to prove the power of the subconscious mind. So I did a crazy thing at the start of this month.

I announced on my YouTube channel that I will have 1000 subscribers by the end of this month.

Right now, I just have 800 subscribers and only 10 days left. It took 8 months to gain these 800 subscribers. How can I make 200 subscribers within 10 days?

But fear is the worst enemy when it comes to unlocking the powers of the subconscious mind. So I should not be afraid.

I should have trust in my subconscious mind. I should not think about the past. I should only focus on the future. I should believe that I can make it.

But the problem is that thinking too big makes us sound like lunatics because 99% of the people who are around us will not do it, and the remaining 1% are the only people who succeed.

But you can't always be surrounded by that 1%. Do not take advice from people who do not have your dream life. If you start to think this way, you cannot take advice from 99% of people. This will help us to cut the noise that surrounds us.

Most of the people who are around me do not believe that YouTube can be made into a profession. But I do. Many successful YouTubers do exist; only take them as your inspiration, and don't take advice from people who have never tried what you want to try.

I am telling myself everything just to soak up the idea that I can make it. I should not listen to the failure stories. 99% of people fail and tell you that it's impossible. But we can fall under that 1% if we believe. If we can manipulate our subconscious mind to believe that we are actually eligible to be in that 1%, we will really get there in no time.

I am not asking much, actually. I am just asking for 200 subscribers in 10 days, which is not a big deal, right?

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. —Think and Grow Rich Book

First, we should believe we can do it. Only if we do can our wishes become a reality.

I want you all to manifest with me. I want you guys to believe that I can do it. I should get this as a first success to prove that the subconscious mind can do wonders if you believe that wonders can actually happen to you.

Hoping for the best. At the end of this month, I will give an update on my subscriber count.

Can I make the next daring move by saying that I can monetize in a month? Is it too much? No, what I can believe can happen. First, let's succeed in this to move on to our next step.

Bye byee

-AramintaFlores ♥️
(Nov. 19, 2023)

Going to sleep at 2.44 a.m. I have my bestie cousin (from Day 8) in my home. So my sleep time is getting a bit worse. Soon, I will correct it. Plzzz🙈

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