Day 94 - Merry Christmas✨

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Helo Helooooo!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
How's your Christmas?
For me, it's a blast. I got a writing desk as a gift from my secret Santa, and I also got multiple ideas on this Christmas.
The ideas are really good. I am going to build an advent calendar from scratch.
You might wonder what's so great about it. But the thing is, advent calendars have the ability to keep us going. Little tasks with little rewards can boost our positivity. This positivity is what should be fed to our minds. I am going to use my next year to the fullest.
I also got another great idea today. I planned to write a full story with multiple chapters in a single day.
Do you know when I am going to do that?
It was none other than today, December 26. I am writing my journal past 12.
Once past 12 a.m., I started to work on my story, and now I have completed two chapters. This is also to boost my confidence. This is to boost my beliefs about myself.
I am also planning to make a vision board. So this day is literally flooded with great ideas.
I went to church to celebrate Christmas, and I also ate a plum cake for Christmas. We had a great feast for lunch, and I also wore my first ever bodycon dress. So this day is good.
Yesterday, I was blabbering about something. Don't take that seriously. I sometimes feel bad for no reason. I should overcome that.
I talked to my (day 8) friend about yesterday's mood, and she said that it must be because of my act of seeing my old bag.
I showed her my work bag, which I used four years ago. That was my only work experience and my only work bag.
Every time I see that bag, I get a mood swing. Things we forgot about ourselves can also be reminded by our loved ones.
I was searching for reasons for yesterday's mood swings, and I could only make speculations, but she is great at pointing out the source of my mood swings.
She is such a great friend. I can write a whole book about her.
Oh! I didn't say it, right? The book that I am writing now is 5% related to her. She is the female protagonist. My female protagonist is inspired by her attributes and characters.
But the story is purely fictional.
I hope you guys love it.
Bye byee
(Dec. 25, 2023)
Going to sleep at 2.40 a.m.

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