Day 4: Finding My Ikigai

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It's already day 4, and I can't make any more excuses. The term plan is itself bringing me a "NO PEACE" condition. Still, we have to do this. What should I plan exactly? Is it about the wealth, the health, or the habits that I should follow?

I should not go behind money because one of my Gurus said that we should follow the purpose and not the money. What's the exact purpose behind our existence? I am not sure.

Oh Wait!!!

Now the Ikigai book is coming to my mind. The word Ikigai means 'Reason for our existence or the purpose of our life'.

That book helped me to find my IKIGAI which I just forgot.

If you want to find your IKIGAI, first you should find the activities that give you FLOW. 

As per the book FLOW: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, flow is "the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it."

So now you know what FLOW is.

1. List the activities that give you flow.

2. What do these activities have in common?

3. Why do those activities drive you to FLOW?

4. Do you flow more when doing things that require you to move your body or just to think?

5. Are there similar activities that you have never tried? (By answering this question, you might find something that you like even more than what you actually do.)

This is a piece of self-examination I did after reading that book.

This is a piece of self-examination I did after reading that book

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These are my answers, which I gave after reading that book. (a few months before)

So, now I know the purpose of my life is to express myself to others through my videos and writings.

So now we know the purpose of our existence.

The second thing that we should plan is our habits, which will be used to unlock our subconscious mind. According to the 'Atomic Habits' book, the habits should be easy. So, I am going to include only five things in my daily routine.

1. Meditate: 30 minutes; 3 sittings, 10 minutes each.

2. Yoga/Exercise: 10–15 minutes

3. Read books for at least 30 minutes.

4. Hear subliminals for 10 minutes.

5. Learn the stock market for at least 1 hour.

The first four are to get a positive mindset, whereas the last one is where I can apply that positive mindset.

Day 4 (September 26, 2023) didn't go as planned; the day was moody, neighbors were fighting, negativity surrounded me, and I didn't follow much positivity today. Though I said some positive affirmations to myself, I also talked so negatively today. It's hard, guys. Really really hard to be someone who is the exact opposite of who you are, and I am also trying to overcome all the negative sides of me.

Be with me! Support me! Encourage me by voting and commenting. This tiny bit of sweetness can help me unlock the powers of my subconscious mind.

Bye bye!!! Let's meet in the comment section!!

-Araminta Flores

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