Day 66 - Losing Game❓

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I am getting frustrated.
I put in so much effort and uploaded a 12-hour live. I told you guys, right?
The last 20 minutes of it were chopped. That was just a technical error, and there were no specific reasons for it.
That last 20 minutes can only define my 12-hour work. Those 20 minutes can only tell people that I really completed that book.
I don't have any other proof than that fiisshiing video.
I don't like cursing consciously, but subconsciously, I love it.
I love to say the 'f' word. I don't like to curse in my mother tongue. But in English, it sounds like music. I am a crazy devil; never mind.
This full day, I roamed like a zombie, worrying for those 20 minutes. But I should stop doing that.
I have lots and lots of things to obtain by manifesting. I need those 20 minutes back. I need it so bad. My subconscious mind should first believe that I will get that back. I will get it, no matter what. I will get it, no matter what. I deserve to get it back.
I also want 110 subscribers in 3 days. Please, please, please sub-mind. Please give that to me. I deserve it. I deserve more than 1000 subscribers.
I should not hold on to the dead and decaying things. I should focus on the fresh and blooming things instead of the rotten ones. I completed those 12 hours, and that's the end. I just worried so much about it.
Fear is actually an enemy for the subconscious mind. Just like faith, whatever you fear will also happen.
If you fear failures, failures will surround you. So instead of fearing, have hope that you will succeed.
The you here is me. I am talking to myself.
Fear and faith cannot coexist at all. One will dominate the other, for sure. The emotion that dominates will win the game.
So have more faith in God and in yourself.
God is going to shower good things on me. I am going to get those 110 subscribers because I deserve it and I know it.
If I want my faith to dominate my fear, first I should do something that generates more and more confidence in myself.
So considering this YouTube channel, let's post three videos a day. 1 live stream video a day and 5 posts a day
Let's show God that we deserve what we are asking for.
Bye byee
(Nov. 27, 2023)
Going to sleep at 12.39 a.m. Can someone appreciate me, plzzz?

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