Day 16 - Punishment Day

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It was around 9.00 am, and I was half asleep, thinking that I should wake up soon to complete the punishment, alias compensation, for scoring 2/5 yesterday.

As my lazy cells were telling me to sleep a bit more, I saw a man standing before me.

Guess who????

It's my uncle. Yesterday, while I was writing my journal, I completely forgot about my upcoming uncle's visit.

Then, what could I have done?

I might have edited yesterday's journal before publishing today. But, as a woman bound by honesty, I can't do that.

I can just say hi to him and continue my work. But that's not me. I like to live and enjoy the present moment whenever possible. So, I will spend time with him until he says bye-bye to me. It happened around 7.40 p.m., and that's where my day started.

It was an extreme challenge. I usually have so much to do.

Uploading a YouTube video and publishing a journal itself requires half of my soul.

Now I don't think I can complete the entire task, even by trading my whole soul.

Is it what a person who is working on her subconscious mind says?

No! No! No!

Do you know what is hard?

The hardest thing for me is to make myself believe that I can do it.

I had thought of skipping the stock market because I thought I couldn't complete all five tasks. But positive quotes like "You are what you believe", "If you don't believe in yourself, who else will?" and some other fancy lines crossed my mind just to push me right into the water to check whether I can sink or swim.

I wanted to complete all five today because this day itself is a punishment.

As he went by 7.40pm, I sat immediately to edit and upload my YouTube video, after which I proofread my journal and published it without even editing a single line just to stick to my punishment.

By the time I completed these two, it was around 8.45 p.m.

So I need to complete all five within 3 or 4 hours. Is it possible? I was not sure. But I don't want to believe that I will fail. So I started with the hardest, which is the stock market.

The rest is history because I am sleepy.

I don't want to bore you and bore myself. I completed all five within 4 hours. But 18 pages of book reading were done in the morning when I had around 1 hour of free time when my uncle left out.

In this process of pushing myself harder and harder, I am falling in love with myself. I am starting to notice my capabilities.

I am one of a kind who still fears for Mommy and Daddy after doing so much with my subconscious mind. If I get caught journaling in the middle of the night, I don't know whether I will be alive to fill out this if clause.

So, I am rushing to sleep.


Want to brag about it once more.😂

Bye! Bye!!

- Araminta Flores
(October 8, 2023)

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