Day 40 - Fresh start ✨

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When do you feel the most motivated?

Every new beginning is always motivating to me.

As a new year starts, it feels like my life is about to start from the very beginning, and I was given a second opportunity-an opportunity to amend all my past mistakes. An opportunity to better myself, if not use myself in the best way possible.

This is not only applicable to the new year. Each and every month, on the first day, it feels like I have so much time for everything.

I thought these things applied only to me. But after reading Atomic Habits, I realized that many feel the same.

Most of us will be so motivated at the start of the year, month, or even week.

As today is the start of this month, this day went quite well. I did all my tasks with enthusiasm. Maybe all this is because of the fresh start of this month.

There is also one more thing that I felt today, which was pretty unusual for me. Have you ever felt happy about someone's success? I am not the type of person who is that good to feel good about someone's success.

Just like a normal human being, I too feel jealous, but today it was not the case. I was really surprised as well as impressed by myself. I am slowly becoming an angel-an angel who is happy for herself and for others. An angel that only spreads positivity. How did this happen?

I never thought I could become an angel in such a short span of time. Though these things can sound like a show-off, I am actually pretty happy about myself. I see lots of positive changes within me.

One of my friends had a breakthrough in her career, and I was genuinely happy for her. It felt like a success that I also shared, though I don't. It felt like my own success.

Her success made me feel that success is just waiting at the corner of the road, waiting for us to come and get it.

It's not that easy to attain success. I know that. She is really talented, and that's the reason she got the opportunity.

But her success gave me hope-hope that success is attainable for people like her, like you and me. Generally, I don't like to be with a successful person, but I like to see a normal person turn successful right before my eyes.

It feels like magic, a magic that God has cast on us that brings positive changes to our lives. Now it feels like we are all under that spell. Spell of success.

Soon we are going to get whatever we want in all aspects of life.

Actually, she is not the only one who got success today. Getting satisfaction on myself is a huge success for me.

I love me! I love me! I love me!!!!!!!!!

I love myself because I learned to love others.

But there is only one thing that made me a bit off today. I do not have permission to share her success with my family. Sharing the happiness can multiply it tenfold, and sharing the sorrow can lift it away from us like it never existed.

I wanted to share her success with my mom, but I couldn't.

I like to do some credit-stealing on her success. My subconscious mind also contributed to her success. I always used to refer to her as a writer. Now she is a writer.


Maybe that's the reason why her success feels like mine.

Anyway, soon she and I will become influencers.

Bye byeeee

(November 1, 2023)

Going to sleep at 2.40 a.m.

Unlocking the Powers of my Subconscious MindNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ