D 13- How to make Subliminals?

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This day is just like all other days. Nothing much to mention.

I am getting used to the 5 tasks that we are doing except meditation.

1. After the first day of yoga, I had muscle pain, especially in the thighs. But now it got easy.

2, 3. Book reading and learning the stock market for an hour is still not an easy task, but it's not challenging me anymore.

4. Yesterday, I said that I was going to make my own subliminals, and I did it. So, from now on, I am going to listen only to that.

5. As I am living away from my home, the meditation part is a bit hard here. The environment is noisy, and nowadays it's not as effective as the first two days. So I guess a peaceful environment is a prerequisite for meditation. Once I get home, I will upgrade my meditation skills.

Today, as I made my own subliminals, let me discuss how I did it with you guys.

I) First, I wrote a big paragraph of positive affirmations. Not in general, but it's exactly what I wanted from life. While writing affirmations for subliminals, instead of saying "I want this", it should be stated as "I have this."

For example, instead of saying "I want to be rich," it should be stated as "I am rich."

So, I wrote positive affirmations in a way that I already possess everything I wanted.

II) Convert that text file to an audio file. (I used the Voice Changer with Effects app.)
Then increase the speed if needed.

III) Go to the Inshot app. Use an image as the visual, and add the affirmation audio in the music section. Also, add one more music file. (Mild rain, nature, or any karaoke song music.)

Reduce the volume of the affirmations audio file to 6% or much less so that the affirmations are not audible to your ears.

The main reason why we should do this is that if you say I am rich, then your conscious mind may laugh at you because it knows the bank balance.

Just kidding, guys, the basic idea is that if the affirmations are audible, the conscious mind may reject the idea. If it's not audible to our ears, it will bypass the conscious mind and sink directly into the subconscious mind.

The nature sound or karaoke that you added will only be audible. The affirmations are embedded in it.

You can save this as a video file in Inshot and use it as much time as needed.

It cannot do you any harm, as the affirmations are written by you, and you are the creator of your subliminal.

I did this as homework today, and I heard my own subliminals.

I completed 4/5 tasks; I didn't do meditation.

But we have a lot to improve. We need to train our subconscious mind vigorously with positivity.

As I am away from my home, I can't upgrade this subconscious mind game right now.

Only 2 days left, and once I get home, my subconscious mind will be flooded with positive inputs.

Till then, I will try not to skip meditation.

If you are also trying to unlock the powers of your subconscious mind, you can also try to make your own subliminals.

Sooner I am planning to make an audible subliminal too.

Be with me on this journey.

Think and Grow Rich is the book that I am currently reading. In the stock market, I am learning about candlestick patterns.

Do you want me to share what I learned?


Daily, I am writing my journal around 2 a.m. Is it a healthy way to unlock the powers of my subconscious mind? Nah!

I should improve my sleep cycle.

Bye bye!!!

-Araminta Flores

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