Day 89 - How's 2023⁉️

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How is 2023?
Is 2023 good or bad? Is it teaching you anything special?
For me, it's a yes.
This is my most self-disciplined productive year. Back when I was in school, there were days that I utilized them to their fullest. Much better than any day in 2023 or any other year.
But during school and college, I didn't do things for my own sake. I do it out of fear of my teachers or sometimes my classmates. I don't want to be mediocre, and just to escape that, I try to keep me just above that level. Nothing extradionary. But still better than most.
But now, I am not mediocre anymore. I am technically at the bottom. I earn 0 dollars, which is no amount to compare with. But still, I am proud of myself. I am proud of the things I did this year.
I learned so many things this year. I also tried multiple things, and I found certain things I loved. The reason for all that is my new phone.
I didn't have a personal phone for around 2 years. Me and my mom had a common phone, which is actually a bit hard for both. I finally started to use a personal phone again on January 1, 2023. Thanks to my dad.
I had a personal phone forever before those 2 years, but I never knew the value of it. But once I didn't have it, I started to see the value of it. I started to see the potential of a smart phone.
We all have it. But most of us are not using it in the right way. I started to use this phone only for productive matters and nothing else. For fun purposes, I would use my mom's phone. Later, it became hard, and I started to watch K-dramas on this phone. I deviated from my path for around 4 months.
Then I got back on track again. As you all know, I started to write a journal. I started to post regularly on my YouTube channel.
I learned consistency this year. It's a wonderful gift of 2023.
I learned about affiliate marketing, digital marketing, paid advertising, YouTube editing, writing, journaling, graphic design, t-shirt design, AI tools, and many others.
I am not an expert in all the above-mentioned fields. At least I learned about those terms. Before 2023, I didn't even know the definition of those terms.
I failed in many areas, and my failures have also taught many. Amazon KDP banning my account was something I cannot digest till now. YouTube copyright strike also taught me many things. I got an interview for a job for which I didn't go. That also taught me something.
This is the year I started reading, and reading is helping me to see this world in a different light.
I met so many great personalities this year through YouTube.
I also started my investment journey through the trade market.
I have 305 videos and 1100 subscribers, all of which I earned in this single year.
I have 20 published stories on Wattpad, and I also won two contests on Wattpad.
I worked as a lucky charm for my dad.
Most important of all this is that I survived. I survived this world for another 365 days. I am saying this with the hope that I will survive the remaining 10 days of 2023.
Within these 10 days, I am planning to start an online store. So this year is the year I lived on my own terms and for no one else.
I might have done a much better job by staying on track for the entire year. But I am just a human being. I will correct everything and shine brighter in the upcoming year.
I am thankful to God and my subconscious mind for placing me on the right track.
Bye byee
(Dec. 20, 2023)
Going to sleep at 1.53 a.m.

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