Day 90 - The End❓🥺😭

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The end. The 90-day period of trying to unlock my subconscious mind officially came to an end!

But I hate endings. Not only the ending of a happy thing but also of a terrible one.

The main reason for hating the ending is the new beginning that follows the end. I hate that change. Maybe I love it, but I am afraid of it.

Since childhood, I have been afraid of change. Maybe this is because of my bitter experiences due to change. When I was 7 years old, we shifted to a different city, and I hated it, but I am still living in that town. I hated this place then but also till now.

Maybe that was the biggest change of my life, and I never hated that change before it actually happened. But once I got to a new place, I started to hate that change.

I got adapted years later, but then my school ended. So again, a change. So again, I hated change.

That's the main reason why I hated college so much. The change from what I loved made me resent my initial days of college, but I got used to it.

Once college came to an end, I didn't hate that change, but I was scared of it.

Again, years later, I am getting used to everything. I not only got adapted to the comfort of my home but also you guys.

This journal was started without much thought. I never knew that I would continuously do this for 90 days. But I did. Do you know the reason for it?

It's you. You. You. You. Everyone who read this voted for it, commented on it, and reminded me that I should continue this no matter what.

This journal is nothing but a virtual gateway through which you and I got connected. We traveled together for 90 days, and now our journey has come to an end.

Now I can't communicate daily through my writings, and you can't leave a comment to show your presence.

I will miss that. I should do something more similar to this to keep myself close to your heart.

Even if it ends, let's remember the things that we had here. You should remember this girl who had mood swings, who is not perfect, who tries to motivate herself with her words, and most importantly, you should remember me as a girl who will succeed in her life someday.

When I succeed, I will think of you.

But now I don't feel like ending this at all. Can I continue this for another 10 days? Plzzzzzzzzz

I really want to.

I wish to meet you in our routine place. Our comment section.✨

Bye byee

(Dec. 21, 2023)

Going to sleep at 2.32 a.m.

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