Day 3 - Miracles happen ✨

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What is the motivational song that you like to hear? For me, it's "Sugar daddy.";)
Today didn't go as expected, but my sub-mind gave me something unexpected.

I prayed all night to get hundred views in this journal. Even while half asleep, I was repeating my wish to reach hundred views.

As I woke up, I was excited to check my phone. I want to know how my positive affirmations worked.
"Phone unlocked"
"Entered Wattpad"
"Looking for view count"
View count = 11
A single digit actually needs to be improved. I don't know how to express my feelings positively. That's how opposite to that of good I felt for a moment.
Then I just pacified myself by saying, "Sub-mind is working in the background. Have some patience! You are going to get much better than what you actually asked."
After a few hours, I got a notification from Wattpad saying someone commented on my story. I got really excited because this is my first comment that I am actually getting from a stranger.
I rushed into my Wattpad and into the story "2050 to 1850".
Her comment reads, "An interesting idea." What's actually more interesting is that she had a heart icon near her username, which means she is someone special, right? I didn't know what it was then and rushed into her profile. She has 19k followers and also helps out with Wattpad profiles. So my contest entry is seen, appreciated, and voted by a Senior Engagement Ambassador who helps out with some Wattpad profiles.
I asked 100 views for this journal, but my sub-mind gave me something more precious than that.

Do you know the reason for it?

The reason is that even when I was sleeping, I was thinking about my Wattpad profile. I wanted a reach, and I wanted people to read my work. My subconscious mind gave me a much more precious gift.

Though I believed in the subconscious mind even at the very start of this journey, the belief that I have now has increased tenfold.

I also asked for 3K views in one of my YouTube videos, and I got 3.3K views. So Sub-Mind is doing wonders just after 2 days. You don't have to spend your life testing it out, guys. First of all, don't think about testing it out. Believe it and try to unlock the powers of your subconscious mind. For a complete day, try to use only positive terms. The hardest part is skipping the songs that have negative terms.

Nearly all songs have negative words. Even the motivational songs have lyrics like
"Do not fail in anything."
Why should you say it with the word "fail"?
You can say it directly as
"Win in everything."
But we never thought about such things earlier. Now I'm using only positive words consciously, but while I am talking in a flow, I cannot assure you what is actually falling out of my mouth.

But throughout the day, I was telling myself some positive affirmations, like

"Good things are happening."

"Whatever comes to you is always good."

"If you don't get it, something much bigger is waiting for you."

"Your hard work will bring success to you."

"You are happy."

"You should keep yourself calm because your sub-mind is listening."

To simply put, I was blabbering all the positive things that I possibly can throughout this whole day.
Still, we don't have a concrete plan. But the thing is, as per the 'Atomic Habits' book, our habit should be easy. We should take it slow.
It should not be that easy, which can bring boredom, and at the same time, it should not be too difficult because you might give up.
I want to maintain this habit for 90 days. Daily, I should follow something, and I should make it as a journal.
The 90-day period is actually October 2, 2023, to December 31, 2023.
I am actually getting sleepy now. I might make some mistakes. Bare with me.
Whatever! The last three months are enough for a 90-day period.
I started early to brush up my  l̶a̶z̶y̶ cells. I am super active. I never feel sleepy. I can always be awake. I am just resting my conscious mind to give some alone time to my subconscious mind.
We discussed some positive affirmations on day 3 of this journal. Still no concrete plan:(
But the plan is actually a premade one. I have a vision board that I made at the start of this year. I decided to accomplish all those things in 2023.
On day 4, I would like to show you my vision board and discuss some plans for the future.
My sub-mind is demanding some alone time. So let me rest my conscious mind for now.
Bye! bye!
I would like to hear from you. Post a comment, plz!!!

Unlocking the Powers of my Subconscious MindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora