Day 46 - Fading Smiles💔

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Have you ever felt that your smile has faded over the years?

What was the reason for it?

Are you not happy, 'HAPPY', or have the reasons for a smile ceased to exist?

I, too, felt that my smile had faded over the years.

I think our subconscious mind also plays a role in that.

A worry-free mind has a worry-free smile that is genuine and warm.

But we are constantly finding reasons to worry.

We are dumping all the trash in our conscious mind, which leaves a lasting residue in our subconscious mind too.

I saw a video of a girl who took a photo daily to record her life. She had a genuine smile in her childhood days, but as she grew older, her smile slowly faded away. It was not her who forgot how to smile; it was us, the society, that made her worry about everything she was and everything she was not. We dumped some useless suggestions on her mind.

The same cases happen everywhere, and I am not an exception. I had a big smile as a kid. As I grew up, one day someone mocked my smile, saying that I had a gummy smile.

From that point, I try to reduce my smile, which in turn reduces my happiness.

But recently, due to the influence of K-pop, even gummy smiles have been seen as a positive trait.

So stop pointing out the imperfections that you might come across. You can define imperfections in yourself and no one else.

If your words can shrink their smile even a millimeter, think twice before speaking. If your words can lighten their mood, don't think; just utter whatever nonsense it can be.

I suddenly remembered my cousin's face today, which made me write this journal.

He was a butterfly when he was a kid. He used to talk jovially and bring a smile to everyone's face. He used to call my mom his friend, though they have a 40-year age gap.

He used to tell my mom that he was not getting any calls from anyone, and he asked my mom to give him a call someday.

He was such a sweet kid then, but now he is a totally different person. He doesn't have any words to say now. His smile didn't fade away but was almost lost completely. He didn't say anything to my mom. Even when my mom tried to build a conversation, he was different now.

He changed. The society changed him. It killed his smile. Maybe it would have told him that being mature means smiling less. But actually, it was not the case.

I could have tried to make him smile. But I barely talked with him before. I can sense the change within him. But I am not in a position to bring a smile to his face. I could have made a silly joke and acted dumb to make him smile. I failed to do that.

You can't make the whole world happy. But you can bring a smile to your circle. If your compliments, dumb jokes, or any of your deeds bring a smile to someone, try doing it again and again.

Stop being the killer of smiles; instead, be the spreader of smiles.

Bye bye

(Nov. 7, 2023)

Going to sleep at 12.49 a.m.

Unlocking the Powers of my Subconscious MindOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz