Day 74 - Talking with future self‼️

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How was your day, guys?
For me, today is a mixture of emotions.
I made a cold call, and fortunately, they didn't pick up the phone. To be honest, I was sacred to talk to strangers, guys.
Then I messaged a random person on X, and almost my account got locked. Then I did some crazy puzzles to prove to them I am a human, and that's when they unlocked my account.
Later, I called my aunt to learn about her projects. She hires freelancers, and she has a company. I got a typewriting job from her for which a laptop is needed, which I don't have.
I also asked her to get me a content writing job.
Then I messaged an organization on LinkedIn for a job and also commented on my favorite YouTuber's LinkedIn profile.
I saw a wonderful video yesterday that will definitely help us unlock the powers of our subconscious mind. The title of the video is "Once you visualize correctly, the shift happens (this is how)."
And the channel name is "Quazi Johir."
If you want to level up your subconscious mind game, that video will definitely help you.
The main takeaway from that video is how my future, or ideal self, will handle the present situation. Will she lie in bed, thinking that nothing can be done to make things right?
No! My ideal self will push the boundaries, and she won't fall under the command of anyone other than herself. No one can ask her, "You haven't torn anything," which means you didn't do anything great at all.
She might have shut the mouths of all her haters with her accomplishments. She might have inspired a lot of human beings.
Okay. Let's not dwell deeply on that feeling.
The next important takeaway from that video is that it asks, "How will my future self dress?"
Ooii! The one reading this. You also think of an answer for that question.
For me, the moment I heard the question, my subconscious mind answered that I would only be purchasing at malls.
But it's a weird response from my mind. Till now, I only have a single t-shirt that was bought at a mall. Even that was bought, as they provided a rare 90% discount.
But deep down, I might have craved it, I assume. I am still not sure why I got such a response from my mind.
The next question from that video is, "What are the five powers my future self will have?" for which I still haven't found the answer in the grooves of my brain.
Let's rest and talk about the rest later.
Bye byee
(Dec. 5, 2023)
Going to sleep at 1.59 a.m.

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