Day 28 - This or That❓

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Between love and happiness, what will you choose?

First of all, why should we choose? Why can't we have both? We deserve both of them, as long as both are good.

But whenever we are given this or that option, we usually go with one of those. Picking love instead of happiness can make your love life hell. At the same time, happiness without love—can it exist? I am not sure.

When both of them are necessary for your desired life, choose both of them or do not choose at all.

If you pick one, your subconscious mind will think that the other one is not important at all and give you the one you choose at the cost of another.

All this may sound dumb. But try to rewind the 'this or that' questions you answered.

Every time you choose one consciously, the other one is paid as the price for it.

One of my uncles always chooses prestige over money. He is prestigious, but when it comes to money, no! He got the prestige that he desired at the cost of the money that he valued less.

Having only one of the choices that you value the most will not make you happy at all.

You might choose friendship over love.
You might choose mommy over daddy.
You might choose happiness over money.

But can you survive without the other? If not, do not choose at all. If yes, you still don't know how things will be if you don't have the one that you neglected.

This is not rocket science or philosophy that's hard to understand! What we seek is what we get. If you prioritize something for a sufficient amount of time, your subconscious mind will consider it a wish, and soon it will be granted.

So it's not wrong to prioritize things. Prioritize the right things. What's right is all up to you. But don't choose one over the other.

These are just certain things I have realized over the years. I have seen many rich people accumulate wealth because they prioritized money over anything else. But that's also wrong from my point of view. I am a weirdo who has a weird point of view.

If you prioritize something over anything, just imagine a life with that something.

Only that something!!!!

You can't survive with just one good thing, and that's the point I am trying to make.

Prioritize all the good things and try to find a balance between everything you want.

Not a philosopher trying to preach a philosophy. I am just learning and rectifying my past mistakes, and I am happy to share my understanding with you guys. If you find me wrong anywhere, plzzzzzzz leave a comment. I highly appreciate it.

Gotta sleep.

Bye byeee

-Araminta Flores
(October 20, 2023)

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