Day 47 - Say No to Day off‼️

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Are you waiting for a day off?

Why do you need one if you really enjoy what you are doing?

I told you guys that I would take a day off, right? I am out of my brain, which I realized only after omitting my tasks for two days straight.

My friend also played a role in that. She said I was stressed out because of the tasks I needed to complete. I took her suggestions seriously, and I omitted my tasks for 2 days. I realized something after this day off.

You only get lazy with days off and nothing else.

If you are stuck in a job that you don't love, you need a day off. You need a day when you can be yourself and enjoy the beauty of your life.

But if you are self-employed and if you love what you are doing, don't plan a day off. Some days, you can have something that is far more important than your work. Someday, you can have something that makes you jump in joy. Someday, you can meet someone who you value more than your work. Only on such days day off should happen. Still, it should not happen often.

People might say that you need a day off to have good ideas or to have a good processing brain. But it's up to you to decide whether you really need it or not.

Being lazy and being at rest are two different things. After a long work day, when you feel really exhausted, you can take a day off. Now, I am not exhausted by my work. I am just exhausted by my lazy cells. I hate myself for wasting fragments of time daily. So person like me who are trying to fast-forward to success don't need a break, I guess.

This break just promoted the lazy cells within me and nothing else. I am feeling more tired than usual because of this day off.

After each and every day off, getting back to work is more difficult and exhausting. That's why people say that Sunday should come with a pause button. People don't like Mondays for the very same reason. Being dedicated to something for a very long time can be exhausting at times. So try the pomorodo technique on work days. Take regular breaks after each block of work. Those regular breaks will help you refresh your brain and stay focused and productive.

Don't take a day off; instead, take a complete break from what you hate. I am now on that break. I didn't like my educational background as well as my previous work, so I am building my empire somewhere else.

I am not working; I am just stacking a piece of brick daily, one above the other, till I build an empire.

Soon, I will become the queen in that palace.

I like to tell myself that days off are strictly prohibited in this season of life.

I am in the middle of an untamed, wavy ocean. If I don't pedal, I will sink, and no other good can happen.

So keep going till the shore is reached, and I actually enjoy the ride.

Bye bye

(Nov 8,2023)

Going to sleep at 1.14 a.m.

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