Day 35 - Who inspires U❓🔥

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If your parents are your inspiration, that's the biggest success for your parents.
After hearing this, will you say that your parents are your biggest inspiration?
My father is my biggest inspiration when it comes to finance and savings. No money-related books impressed me because my father teaches me those things practically by doing something in his day-to-day life.
But this article is not about him. I would like to dedicate this article to a woman who inspires me to become an independent, strong woman. She is my aunt. I lately talk more about my aunts, right?
Let's all remember this aunt as a super aunt because she is the one who inspired me so much. She radiates an aura of positivity. She radiates confidence, joy, and, most importantly, power in everything she does.
She never gave up on anything, though it's the hardest thing to hold on to. Her desires were so strong, and her willingness to dedicate her whole life to achieve a single goal is really commendable.
She wanted to clear one of the toughest exams in our country. She spent around 10 years of her life trying to clear the exams. Most of us might have given up in the middle. She faced so many hardships in the middle of those phases. She had thousands of reasons to give up, but still, she stuck to the single reason for which she started all these.
She wanted to serve people, and that's the motto of her life. She wanted to be a government servant and render service to people. Her desire was so strong that even after 10 years of struggle, even after crossing the age limit for that examination, she didn't give up. Crossing the age limit for eligibility for the examination simply means game over, right? But that's for us, not for her. She didn't settle for failures, and she looked for ways to rise up even after all those struggles.
She attended the next hardest-level examination, which was actually a piece of cake for her. She passed the exam with flying colors, and now she is rendering service to the government. Now she has reached the position that she desired in the first place. In her case, the door to success shut almost everywhere, but she looked for a tiny hole through which she could again make a comeback. She did make a comeback—not just a comeback, but a massive landslide victory.
She didn't settle for that job alone. She wanted to make learning easier so that students wouldn't suffer like her. She started an academy that gives training for the toughest exams in our country. She also supported many underprivileged students by providing financial aid to them.
She is the woman who will inspire me forever. She is the living example of what persistence can bring to you, and she also taught me that you are a failure only when you consider yourself a failure.
She believed that she could do it, even after all those failed attempts. She might have heard many discouragements during that process, but she stood by her belief that she was born to succeed and to lead.
She is leading hundreds of people today through her academy, and I am proud to say that I am also one of her students.
Feeding positivity by talking about positive people can also be considered a part of training our subconscious mind.
Bye byee
(October 27, 2023)
Going to sleep at 1.12 a.m.

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