day 64

13 4 12

Our words truly hold a power.

What we say today is what we gonna experience in the future.

So, let me say something good to myself and to my subconscious mind.

I want to be a millionaire and I want to be generous. I want to bring joy to people who are around me. I want to love my partner no matter what. I should be able to live the present moment with so much joy and enthusiasm.

Okay! I gave some nice inputs to my subconscious mind.

Yesterday I uploaded my vision board right? I should have done it long ago.

Whatever we think have power. Whatever we say have much greater power. But, Whatever we write down have the most power.

Day before yesterday I wrote all my goals from vision board and examined whether I can achieve it or not.

I talked about Christmas tree, right? For the first time in my life, i bought a Christmas tree guys.


I actually planned to buy a 6 feet artificial Christmas tree. But today while I went out i came across a nursery in wheels. There was a small tree that resembled Christmas tree. I asked him about the plant and he said it as a Christmas tree and it's Golden Cypress.

Though it's not a traditional choice as a Christmas tree, it looks exactly like a Christmas tree. But the problem here is, it's so small. Probably a baby tree. It's approximately 1.5 feet long. But, I really really love it.

So this year I am going to celebrate my Christmas with my baby tree. By next year, it will grow tall and I should celebrate the next year Christmas with the same tree.

As I love it so much, I even have the idea of naming it. What can I call it?

Goldy! Guchi! Jasmine! Rose! Cyrus!

I think Cyrus or Guchi will match it's personality. Let's finalize it to Cyrus.

Actually logically speaking buying this right now is a dumb idea. This is not my home town. Also, I should travel around 400 km for a marriage and I should go back to my home after 2 days by travelling around 300 kms.

I should carry my Cyrus with me. I was longing for a long time for a living being that I can claim as mine. I had a thought of buying a dog. But my parents and landlord won't support it. So I had a thought of buying a rose plant.

Talking about rose plant, i should declare something to you guys. I am a killer. I killed my rose plant 13 years ago. I was testing it's capabilities by not watering at all. Finally it died.

Then i thought I don't deserve to have living beings and for the last 13 years I didn't buy any plants or any pets.

Finally, I am starting to believe in myself. I can be a great parent for my plants and pets. I will tell a story to my Cyrus daily so that it can grow into a happy Christmas tree.

Bye byeeee


(Nov. 25, 2023)

Going to sleep at 1.00 a.m

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