Chapter 25

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*Grace's P.O.V*

In the hot seat now, of course my mind empties itself of all thought. It takes me a very embarrassing amount of time to even remember the topic at hand.

"Why wasn't I allowed to hear anything about the store then?" I ask them, determined to prove my point.

"Because it wasn't necessary and I didn't want the argument. The store doesn't have anything you would be happy about receiving... case in point, would you like to go shopping for a bib?" Mommy asks.

"Nooo... I don't need a bib..." I say, making all three of us look down at my shirt with different reactions. I blush, knowing I just proved their point for the rest of this argument, Daddy just smirks, probably laughing at mommy being right, and mommy just rolls her eyes at me.

"That's my point. We need things for you that you won't approve of or don't want to admit you need. So your daddy and I agreed non-verbally that you should be excluded from that part of the conversation. That doesn't mean excluded from all conversations, baby." Mommy says, embarrassing me. Not from telling me I was wrong but because she referred to daddy as daddy. She should have known only I'm allowed to do that... and only in my head!

"But... but you never left me a moment to jump in! You and dad...dy... would continue the conversation so effortless that it made me feel left out. There was hardly a breath of time between sentences." I proclaim while exchanging looks with mommy and daddy. It earns a sympathetic look from mommy and daddy just looks like the only word he heard was daddy with that smile on his face. Cause mommy was right about that. Mommy cups my face in her hands and makes me look up at her from my position on her lap.

"Grace, baby... you need to understand something... your daddy and I have been married for over 30 years... most of that time alone, including recently. You here, now, is new to us too. I will admit that we partially, unintentionally excluded you by falling into our flow of things, even with you here on my lap." Mommy says, removing her hand to pull me into her chest for a one sided embrace.

"I'm sorry for that, baby. It's hard for anyone to jump into a conversation once an old married couple gets a conversation flowing. We just instinctively know what the other person needs or wants and are able to fill in the gaps. Like your father knew when I was too busy with you or eating to talk so filled in the silence for me. My tip for next time, baby, is don't be afraid to speak up. Staying silent about what you or someone else is struggling with is never a good solution. You could have simply asked to be a part, baby. Instead you... yes, you... you chose to stay silent on my lap until now." Mommy tells me, continuing to hold me to her chest.

"We can't always read your mind, baby. Yes, I'm usually pretty good at it but sometimes even I'm not perfect. I didn't realize you wanted to speak. I... and I'm sure even daddy, thought you were happy just sitting here on my lap, digesting. Again, mommy and daddy are sorry about that. We will table our conversation for later and give you the floor to hopefully help fix our misunderstanding. What would you like to talk about, baby?" Mommy says, letting go of the embrace so I can sit up if I want to. I decide I like leaning into her better though so she just loosely holds me in place once I don't move. Once again in the hot seat, the only thing I seem to be able to come up with is to open and then immediately shut my mouth again, my brain seeming to have fled after encouraging me to join the conversation in the first place. Seeming to sense my plight, my mommy comes to my rescue with a suggestion.

"Why not tell us about your bus ride here, baby. I'm sure it was exciting for you, despite the danger, and we both would like more information on it." Mommy suggests. Chewing my bottom lip in a heated inner debate, I decide to just get it over with and lean over to mommy's ear.

"Where should I begin, mommy?" I whisper into mommy ear, cupping my hand over her ear and my mouth. My actions earn a chuckle from mommy and complaint from daddy.

"Hey! I would like to hear this story too so stop whispering it to mommy!" Daddy proclaims with his arms crossed at me.

"I wasn't telling her the story yet, daddy... duh... so..." I tell daddy, sticking my tongue out at him to show what I think about his complaint. And he actually has the nerve to return the face to me, too!

"Enough you two... daddy is right that you shouldn't exclude him for no reason, baby. You had no reason to keep that question a secret from him. He has a say in where you begin too. Feeling shy doesn't make it right..." Mommy tells me.

"See? I was right so..." Daddy says and tries to stick his tongue out at me but a warning look from mommy makes him almost bite his tongue, he shuts it so fast. I sneak a quick tongue flick at him and get away with it too. At least until I feel a painful pinch to my arm.

"Ow, ow, ow, Owww!" I proclaim over and over until mommy let's go. I immediately start rubbing the spot once she removes her hands, tears now forming in my eyes.

"I gave enough warnings, young lady. I don't give third warnings, I give out consequences. I told you both to stop... and knock that smirk off your face "daddy", you know your next if you keep it up." Mommy says, threaten daddy before kissing the top of my forehead and removing my hand to rub the spot for me. I think her actions mean I'm forgiven but I better play it safe.

"Why don't you start at the beginning, baby? How about when you first left your dorm for the station?" Mommy suggests and with a shrug, I decide that's as good a point as any.

I start by telling them about my trip to the station and some of the people I saw there. I spill all the tea I overheard and I overheard a lot. I get so into telling the story, I don't even notice when we changed rooms and I was carried into the living room. I also don't really pay attention to what I am telling them and mention all my close calls and my decision to wear a pad, which I feel like mommy looks suspicious after hearing. I don't mean she is looking at me with suspicion but like she starts planning something after finding that out.

I tell them about a conversation between a mom and toddler where the mom finally had enough excuses and delays so dragged the toddler away to the family restroom with a bag. When they emerged, the toddler was very self conscious and kept pulling their shirt down. That act alone was the dead giveaway on what the argument was about. That might have been because I've been in that kids shoes before though... now being the perfect example.

I tell them about the time they called and how much I was sweating trying to come up with something to keep the surprise going and how the conversation between daddy and Za I overheard gave me the idea for the lie. That earns daddy a very dangerous glare from mommy and mommy muttering how she will need to have a very serious talk with Zahira later.

"And then I walked to Zahira's and you know the rest from there." I tell them with a smile but they are no longer smiling back so my smile quickly fades too. Did I say something wrong?

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