Chapter 61

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*Grace's P.O.V*

I bite my bottom lip, stressed out from the decision I am forced to make. I only do it for a bit before I manage to create a small sore as mommy reaches over, tugging my bottom lip away from my teeth and replacing it with my paci that I hadn't realized had fallen out of my mouth. I pout at that, flopping down onto my bed, wondering how I'm supposed to think now as I can hear the deafening noises my paci is making in the silence.

My hand drift's to the carving on the headboard as I think and I start to trace that, wondering what option I should pick. On one hand, I didn't think I liked being babied. At least not the complete babying that's currently happening. On the other hand, being an adult was hard and I don't like the sound of that option either.

When I had first moved away to college, it was so hard to know what to do. I wasn't very good at adulting despite Mommy trying her best to prepare me for it. She taught me how to do my laundry, how to take care of myself and my dorm but it had been so hard to do all that when I was on my own. I had tried my hardest to stay on top of everything but once I had started to delay getting things done, it had sort of avalanched and no longer felt worth the effort to get them done. It just became too much, all at once. I was either going back and forth between classes or cleaning up and doing chores. There was no break and I was constantly burnt out even on my breaks away from school.

The thought of it being the same way here, except going to classes being replaced with a job, sounded terrible. I had a small part time job for a little bit before but it hadn't lasted more than a month. It was with the local animal shelter so it was supposed to be fun but every part of it was terrible so I had quit. I thought I was signing up to just play with all the animals but instead I was just cleaning up after them while people that didn't even work there got to play! My parents were well off enough that it seemed they didn't mind supporting me financially but I was still embarrassed about my lack of being able to do things like my sisters could.

I just didn't like any part of being an adult. None of it sounded any fun and it wasn't! Cooking was hard, I was always worried I would undercook food and get myself sick so I would overcook it and make it taste nasty. Cleaning was hard as well and just so boring. I hated the sound of the vacuum and how the sound blasted through the entire house. That's why Ashley always did the vacuuming in our dorm and usually when I wasn't there. I would take out the trash and do any dusting when we needed it but that was about it. I would have done the dishes, maybe, but we didn't have any of those, living mostly off of fast food. I didn't like any of that and I didn't want to go back to that....ever!

That would leave me with being a baby... no, a toddler and not a baby, despite only baby's wearing diapees. That isn't exactly right though. Jazmin will occasionally still wear a diapee and she isn't a baby! She even says she isn't a baby while wearing one! In fact, I've seen lots of times mommy and Zahira agree that she's their big girl while she's in a diapee!

Mommy is also right that my new bed isn't a crib. I can easily come and go from this and I would be stuck if it was a crib. I know because I may have been tricked into climbing into Jazmin's crib and becoming too scared to climb out. It didn't help that Elena raised the bars up until they clicked into place and then left me there telling me to enjoy my nap despite me not needing one. It wasn't even nap time!

Luckily, I had my phone but she ignored all my calls and messages for help. I even tried messaging Zahira but she just told me to climb out and warned how I better not break her daughter's crib. It took me calling mommy for help to finally get someone to come save me and I've never seen mommy so angry. I really thought mommy might put me down to give Elena the spanking she deserved for locking me in the crib and Zahira for not helping me after I asked. The fake... I mean the totally real crying I was doing in mommy's arms from the experience to really get them in even more trouble had nothing to do with it, I'm sure, because it would be totally mean of me to play up how upset and scared I was just to see them in even more trouble.

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