Chapter 49

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*Fami's P.O.V*

As I am standing outside the bathroom door, I hear a small sob, one that makes my heart break instantly. It's a sound I know by heart and every single time I hear it, it always shatters my heart. I step closer to the door, taking a deep breath to remind myself that Grace still deserves and might still want her privacy, before I knock.

"Grace, sweetheart, can I come in?" I ask, hearing another quiet sob.

"NO... embarrassin'," Grace retorts. Her voice sounded so small, so little. I hesitate only for a second before opening the door, stepping in since it's clear from her voice that she needs me right now despite her protesting.

I pause when I see her standing there, her very wet panties in clear view around her knees, her pants on the floor away from her, and a very clear trail that tells me what happened. Seeing the tears falling down her face, her tiny body hunched in on itself as if to make herself smaller as she sits on the potty in what I can only assume is her last attempt to avoid any further accident brings back some memories for me. She had done that so often when she was younger and had first started living with Matias and I. She was so afraid of what we might think that she refused to ask for any help.

"Oh darling, did you have an accident?" I ask softly, regretting the question almost immediately as it causes Grace to shut down even more and the answer is obvious. She goes wide eyed, giving me a horrified look as she shakes her head and covers up her wet panties with her hands, almost as if she doesn't acknowledge it and denies it, it will magically solve itself.

"No accident, made potty. See?" Grace says, her voice quiet and small at once. It also sounds a bit frantic as she points to the potty she is sitting on.

"I think you did have a little accident Gracie, and that's okay. Everyone has accidents sometimes. Mommy knows you didn't mean to do it... that's why it's called an accident." I say to reassure her that everything will be okay as I try to step closer, frowning when she flinches back. I sigh inwardly, knowing that I will have to take this much slower. At least if I do not want to cause her to shut down completely.

I set my bag down on the counter, slipping my shoes off so that she knows that I'm not leaving her. I don't know why it comforts her but it does. She likes knowing that someone won't just walk out and leave so part of that means trying to get comfortable while around her. I crouch down so that I am closer to her sitting height, staying quiet for a moment.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound," I start to sing softly, catching her attention. She had always loved the song, mostly because it had her name in it but she sometimes told me that it was because she liked my voice. She would constantly beg me to sing it, especially when I was busy doing something like a report for my business. That was years ago though and now I would never be too busy for her again.

"That saved a wretch like me," I continue to sing, earning a giggle from Grace. She always thought the word wretch was funny. I notice her fingers drifting to her mouth, an action she used to self soothe.

"More," Grace requests when she notices my pause, her tears slowing down. At least slightly.

"More? I don't think I know the rest. It's been a long time, Gracie," I say softly, earning a pout from her as she looks at me with disbelief in her eyes.

"You can! Mommy knows it! Mommy must!" Grace says in a pleading tone, making me tilt my head as I tap my chin as if I'm thinking. After an exaggerated pause, I start to sing again.

After a little bit, Grace starts to mumble the words along with me. I can barely tell what she is saying since her fingers are still stuck in her mouth but I don't mind that. Even if I don't like the germs and whatever else that are now most definitely in her mouth.

"I think you know this song better than me baby," I coo to her, earning a slight smile. She sniffles softly as I step closer, careful of the wet spots since I'm now in socks. I'm happy that she is now letting me close enough that I can cup her face gently. I press a kiss to her forehead, earning a soft smile from her. I can tell she is very much still distraught over her accident but not enough to refuse my affection anymore.

"I hate seeing my pretty girl cry. It breaks Mommy's heart to see you so sad," I say as I wipe away a few stray tears, earning a soft whine from Grace as her face moves to press against my hand.

"Mommy... me lie. No make potty... accident," Grace finally whispers, her voice breaking as more tears start to fall. Despite the tears, I feel a little bit of relief that she trusts me enough to admit that she had an accident now.

"Thank you for being honest with mommy, baby. Would you like Mommy's help in getting changed? I see you might have been struggling with removing your panties. Would you like help removing them?" I ask after a moment, earning the slightest of nods from her. It's better than nothing so I reach back to grab my purse.

"Stupid panties," Grace mutters as she looks down at her legs. She still has her legs pressed together like she's scared she's going to have another accident. I smile softly at her, trying to comfort her as I crouch down again to help her slide her panties all the way off. Digging a plastic bag out of my bag, I drop them into it. I'm very glad at this very moment that I remembered to bring one just in case of something like this happening.

"It's okay that you had an accident, baby. Mommy was prepared in case something like this happened," I say, earning a soft whine from Grace. She doesn't say anything but when I look up at her, I see tears falling down her face at a much more rapid pace.

"Me not baby, mommy! Me big girl. Mommy only prepare if baby," Grace manages to get out, her voice raising slightly as she stomps her foot in protest. It's kind of amusing with the way that she just stomped her foot because it doesn't do her any favors but I don't mind since I know she is just overwhelmed. I can't be mad at my baby for acting like... well, a baby. I know that I have to put a stop to her fit before it can start though and she makes this situation even worse. After some quick thinking, a plan to handle this tantrum before it even begins is formed in my mind. I just hope she is little enough to play along...

"I didn't say you were. I called you baby because all my children are still my babies, including your sisters. You're just my youngest baby, not counting Jazmin, of course. Besides, I would be prepared for anything you might do! I mean my new bag is magical, afterall, so the only preparation I need to do is bring it with me. Just a thought and I can be ready for anything you might throw at me," I blurt out, panicking slightly in an effort to stop her tears before they can really start again, hoping she doesn't question it too much. My worries fade as what I said makes her pause and she starts giving me a slightly wide eyed look. I know that look well. It means I have her right where I want her. Now it's just about continuing this charade...

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