Scattered Blue Rose Petals

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Morning arrived as I got ready for my normal routine, or so I thought.

"Nakasone-kun... Care to explain what happened yesterday?"

"Yeah, yeah!"

Suddenly, I found myself surrounded by these guys, all trying to interrogate me.

I sighed and glanced around at their stern faces. "Alright, alright. Look, it's not that big of a deal. I just helped out a friend with a project, that's all."

"A friend? A project?" Soumei raised an eyebrow. "Is that all you're going to say?"

I shrugged. "Pretty much. It's not like it's some big secret. Can we drop it now?"

They exchanged glances and eventually relented. "Fine, but you better spill the details later, Nakasone-kun."

I feel like they want to know more once Soumei is out of my area. I should stick closer to him until school ends.

Lunchtime arrived, and my phone buzzed with a message from a group chat I didn't remember joining. Most likely, Imai-san had invited me.

"Everyone, let's practice today, Haneoka Girls' High School is half-day," Yukina's message read.

"Oh? Coincidence... same as Hanasakigawa Girls' Academy, it's all half-day so I'm going there," Sayo replied.

I decided to chime in with a supportive message, "Good luck with your practice."

"Yeah! Thanks, Nakasone-kun," Lisa responded.

I'm glad they are doing alright... I feel like everything's going smoothly... right?

While I was trying to focus on my class, my phone suddenly vibrated, drawing my attention away from the lecture.

Huh? I'm curious but I cant let the teacher see me peak on my phone.

Maybe just a little...

I couldn't resist taking a quick peek at my phone, and when I opened the Roselia group chat, I found it in complete chaos. The messages were flying back and forth, and it seemed like something had gone terribly wrong.

"You don't get it, do you, Imai-san?" Sayo's message read.

Lisa quickly replied, "What are you talking about, Sayo? This is ridiculous!"

Sayo fired back, "Ridiculous? You're the one who's not seeing the problem here!"

Lisa retorted, "I see the problem, but your solution is way overboard!"

The argument continued, with tensions rising in the chat.

Sayo seemed exasperated. "Lisa, we've been over this countless times. We need to make some changes to our songwriting process. The current way is just not working."

Lisa's response was sharp, "And I agree, Sayo, but completely scrapping everything and starting from scratch? That's too extreme!"

"It's not extreme; it's necessary. We've hit a wall, Lisa. Our music has become stagnant," Sayo argued.

Rinko, feeling caught in the middle, sent a more measured message, "Let's all take a step back and calm down. We're a team, and we should work through this together."

Yukina, who had been quiet until now, finally chimed in, "Enough, both of you. Sayo, your insistence on radical change is understandable, but Lisa is right. We don't need to scrap everything. We can evolve our music without losing our identity."

Sayo replied, "Fine, do what you guys want."

Eh? What's going on?

As I gathered my belongings and prepared to leave school, one of my classmates called to me. "Oi, Nakasone-san! Where the hell are you going? You still have something to say to us!"

I glanced back at them with a sense of urgency. "I'm sorry, but I have to go! It's urgent!" With that, I quickly exited the classroom and made my way towards CirCLE livehouse.

I rushed to CirCLE and found Marina-san with a downcast expression.


She looked at me in surprise. "N-Nakasone-kun?! Why are you panting? Wait! You're sweating! F-for now, why don't you take a rest?"

"Not now... Where are the Roselia?!"

"H-Huh? T-They already left..."

"Eh?!" I placed my head on the reception desk, panting heavily.

"A-Are you alright?"

"I'm fine... just... tired."

"Don't tell me... You got in trouble with Roselia?" Marina guessed, a hint of amusement in her tone.

"N-not really... I'm more concerned."


"Yes, Concerned..."

"I see... then why don't you help them out like you did last time with PoppinParty?"

"I am already helping... more like they made a deal with me."

"I see~ You're so kind, Nakasone-kun." Marina smiled.

Just then, a familiar figure entered CirCLE. "Nakasone-kun," came the familiar voice.

I turned to see Minato-san standing there. "Minato-san."

"I knew you'd be here."

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