Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Cameron POV


3 months ago, after Finnegan had tried to rape me in the VIP lounge. He almost succeeded in on doing what he intended to do. But when he was busy fiddling to get his belt undone, I managed to kick him in the stomach and ran out. My body shook uncontrollably, half knowing that I angered him, half not wanting my body to be defiled that way. That angered him, then decided to make me one of his prostitutes.

The first guy that I had to serve, I just couldn't bring myself to. He was almost in his 60s, with that belly bot or not, it just ick me. When he started to touch me by the waist and pulled me closer, trying to kiss me. I couldn't stand it and started screaming and throwing punches everywhere.

The guy got so irritated and immediately dragged me out of the room and headed to the main counter. He asked for a replacement and told the management "You should filter out your girls before serving them! You really should train them before words get out!" he scoffed angrily at the counter.

They gave the next girl to him free of charge to avoid rumours getting out. That made Finnegan even more pissed, not only I didn't do my job well, I almost lowered the brothel's reputation of having the best services in the whole of Thailand.

As punishment, he didn't give me food for almost a week. Thank god one of my roommates, Kendra was nice enough to sneak in some food for me. It wasn't much but I am forever grateful for it. If it weren't for her, I might have ended up dead or at least needed to be hospitalised.

She even gave me pointers on what and how I should do it in bed. She's been here longer than I have. She kept emphasising that it was just a job, some jobs are worse than others. Kendra's advice was not to think too hard about it. Just keep your mind blank, let them do it to you.

The second guy was younger but still those rich bastards that think they could have everything their way. When serving him, I tried to remember what had Kendra told me to. I still couldn't bring myself to, so I just smashed my lips into his. He was rough, thrusting even when I wasn't ready. The whole hour was torture to me, he even used his whip on me. I came back covered with bruises and lashes.

Maybe this was one of Finnegan's punishments as well. I heard from the other that the guy had a reputation for torturing the girls that served him. He was banned a few times from coming but this time it was Finnegan who allowed it. Maybe this was his plan after all, to weight hell down onto me.

Kendra was the one who cleaned my wounds and changed my dressing daily. She saved me once again. For the whole 2 weeks, I was put on other duties as they didn't want to serve a broken girl with all those markings. Their words were: she seems 'used'. They waited for my wounds to heal.

Present day

When I was doing my makeup, knowing that tonight will be the first night I have to return to duty. Dreading and hoping that it would be a silent night, wishing that they had forgotten me and put my name at the bottom of the list. Madam Foo Foo came in " Cameron come with me." Her face seems anxious and concerned. I didn't understand what was going on. I just trailed behind her.

She abruptly stopped at the counter on the way out, in a hushed tone " Is there really nobody else we could get, other than her?" not pointing in my direction but I knew they were talking about me.

"Sorry Madam Foo Foo, there really is nobody else. The Whites were given the finest and they were served first" they replied with a scared tone.

As we continued walking, Madam Foo Foo led me to a part of the building I've never been before. It was the VVIP section. Everything was different here, doors were far apart and it didn't stink of smoke or ammonia from the urine. The servers were all well-dressed.

I didn't realise Madam Foo Foo came to a sudden halt and turned around and face me. I almost fell back as I avoided crushing into her. Her eyes were on me and dead serious "Listen to me girl, this is a VVIP , a very important person to the family. You don't make a scene and don't disappoint her. If you don't believe me, you won't live to see the next sunrise."

What did she just say, don't disappoint 'her'? Hell I barely know how to do it with a guy, now a girl. I start to pick the skin around my nails. Knowing tonight will be the end of me. When I stepped into the room, it was thrice as big as the regular room. Well maintained with a luxurious bathroom that even had a jacuzzi in it. The bed was magnetized causing it to levitate in mid-air with blue neon light around the edges.

As Madam Foo Foo was closing the door behind me, I cowardly asked " How long am I to serve?" Without missing a beat she answered "As long as she pleased." while closing the door behind her.

I sat at the end of the bed, placing my face in my palms. Desperate to run away, I tried to hold back tears. Not eating for a week is still doable, but getting killed...

Unbeknownst to her, this night was going to change her entire life. 

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