Chapter 39

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Chapter 39


Some random day in the office

Naomi's POV

I got a phone call, it was an unknown number "Hello?"

"Nomi, I'm in the hospital." The other end of the line answered. I knew that voice, even after a million years. I couldn't believe it. It couldn't be happening.

"I need to you come here." The voice was weak and faint, then another person spoke through the phone "I'm sorry to bother you but Ms Ezri said you could help out with the situation. I'll text you the address."

"Okay." I said doubtfully. I needed to know if it's true. I cleared out my schedule for the day and immediately headed to the address.

The location led to a small outskirt hospital. It took everything in me to place one foot in front of the another, trying not to keep my hopes too high. Few months ago, the calls that we got saying they found Ezri weren't uncommon. All of them turned out to be fake or they just wanted money. In the beginning, I would always let Cameron know any news about Ezri that I'd received but I didn't want to get her hopes up for no reason. She had finally moved on.

When I arrived at the counter "I'm here for Ezri Wallace." Still hesitant whether it was real or not.

The nurse at the counter gasped "Jane Doe is really Ezri?" she gulped "Erm she's in the third row, bed 27."

They could be mistaken, it could be wrong. Scanning through every bed, trying to see if any of the patients held some kind of resemblance to Ezri. That's when I saw her, a small figure that looked dreadful. She was way thinner, smaller and she'd lost whatever tone muscle she'd worked years to achieve. I breathe out a sigh of disbelief, it really was Ezri. Tears rolling down my cheeks.

Her bed was propped up and there were so many tubes going in and out of her. I moved towards her "E you're really alive." I held onto her hand, making sure it was real, she was real. This whole thing wasn't just a dream.

"Barely. Good to see you Nomi." Her voice was weak but she still forced a smile. Her lips were pale and everything about her just made my heart ache. How did she end up this way?

Suddenly anger surged inside of me "What the hell E! You disappeared for a whole damn year." Trying to hush down my voice, realising heads were starting to turn our way.

"I was in a coma Nomi, I just came around a few days ago. They didn't believe when I told them I'm Ezri. You kind of need to identify me. I wouldn't call you otherwise." Her voice was still stupor and I could see she was struggling to talk with a tube stuck to her neck.

"What the hell E. We were all worried about you, especially Cam." I said while raising my arms in the air.

Ezri's eyes sharpened and a serious expression plastered on her face "Is she alright?" she sounded worried and was ready to leap out of bed.

"She's safe E. She's just feeling down these few days, since your death anniversary is around the corner." I just blurted it out before I could realise what I just said.

Ezri looked confused "My death?" stuttering the words.

"I saw you got shot E and we searched for you. We couldn't... We declared you dead six months ago." I let out a huff. I should have known that Ezri would do anything to come back to Cameron. Ezri let out a gasp and stared at a distance, letting everything sink in.

I scrolled through my phone that I was gripping all along "I should call Cam an..." All of the sudden Ezri pulled my arm with all her strength "Don't" before she could finish her sentence she was already gasping for air.

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