Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Third POV

Ezri knocked on Walter's room "Sorry to wake you Walter, I think I hurt my back, could you have a quick look?" she said behind the closed door.

Without missing a beat, Walter opened the door still in his sleepwear. Walter looked worried but it wasn't his first rodeo. Walter has always been the doctor in the house, he stitched Ezri and Naomi up numerous times. He wasn't good at it in the beginning, but after countless times they came home wounded. It was just another part of his duty, to treat them.

Walter lifted Ezri's shirt and indeed there was about an 8cm cut on her shoulder blade. "I'll get the first aid kit."

Ezri went to her room, she took off her shirt and laid on her stomach on her bed. With all the commotion outside, Cameron couldn't help but have a look. It was unusual to have so many footsteps at this hour of the night. The door to Ezri's room was open and the light was still switched on. Cameron thought maybe she was just too exhausted and passed out on her bed so she decided to switch it off for her.

When she came close, she saw Walter preparing the needle and had gloves on. Then that's when she saw Ezri lying on her stomach, with blood all over her back. A mixture of both dried and fresh blood.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. That's when Ezri turned around and realised Cameron had been standing there. "Cam, you shouldn't see this. Go to bed"

Cameron just entered the room and went beside Ezri "What happened? You should have said you were hurt." Cameron was worried sick, she didn't know what she could do.

Walter just started stitching Ezri's back, Cameron quickly held onto Ezri's free hand. Ezri didn't pull away, she saw how Cameron's expression looked like. Cameron seemed more scared than herself. "Come sit." Pulling her to sit on the bed beside her. Cameron still looking at how Walter was driving the needle into Ezri's skin. Every time he did it, Cameron's grip would tighten for a second. Like she was the one who was getting the stitches.

Ezri let out a subtle smile, seeing how Cameron reacted. Ezri thought it's cute. "Cam, look at me. I'm okay, focus on me okay. Don't look at the stitches." Ezri tried to distract Cameron from looking at the stitches. "I feel so useless. You're the one getting the stitches and now you have to console me." Cameron looked down, feeling ashamed.

"Don't be. You're not used to things like this. I could barely feel a thing." Ezri caressed the back of Cameron's hand, hoping that it would give her a peace of mind.

"It's true Cameron, Ezri's pain receptor had long been scraped off her back with all these wounds." Walter chimed in with a monotonous answer.

Walter threw the needle into a yellow bin along with his gloves "I'm done, just need to bandage it up." He took the bandage out of the first aid kit "It's okay Walter, I'll do it." Cameron said.

Walter just gave her a nod and left the room with all the equipment. Cameron went to the bathroom and prepared a wet towel and a basin of lukewarm water. Ezri just laid on the bed and watched as Cameron prepared. "Tell me Ez, what really happened."

"It was just an accident, I had training just now." trying to sound convincing. Cameron didn't buy it, who trains in their suit and with a real knife.

Cameron sat back on the bed and slowly wiped all the blood away. Making sure not to cause any pain for Ezri. That's when she saw the scars. She didn't realise her scars before when they were in the gym. Being this up close, she finally saw them clearly. Some looked deep, and some had already faded. "Ez where did you get all these scars from?"

"Some I got from training and some I was just careless." Ezri didn't want her to worry so she gave a vague answer.

There was a long scar that extended almost her entire back, slowly tracing the scar "and this, where did you get this from? Be honest with me Ez."

Ezri knew there was no way she could avoid answering her again "I got it when I was 15. My father gave that to me. I backed out from a fight and I lost. He wasn't satisfied, he wanted to show me what would happen if you backed out in real life. He knew what he was doing, making sure the cut didn't do any lasting damage other than a scar. My mother managed to stop him before he added another one." There was silence after Ezri finished.

Cameron didn't know Ezri had such a tough childhood. Seeing her living in a mansion, have whatever she wants. Cameron thought Ezri had loving parents and that would pamper her. Cameron empathised with Ezri. Never would she ever thought that both of them had rough upbringings. Cameron just continued to clean the blood off and bandage the wound.

Cameron broke the silence "My dad, he was the one who sold me off to the brothel. I was seventeen at that time. He lost his job and my side income from selling souvenirs at the temple and washing dishes was just not enough. When he sold me off, my mum just stood there. She didn't even fight for me."

Ezri took Cameron's hand "I'm sorry that they did that. No one should ever be treated like that. I'm here now, I'll take care of you."

Cameron had never told anyone about her story and she was on the verge of crying. She felt like a weight had been lifted from her chest. Ezri's words just made Cameron feel like someone finally saw her as who she really was and still accepted her fully.

"I'm sorry that I hugged you just now. I didn't know you were injured." Cameron's voice trembled a little, emotions were starting to build up.

Ezri squeezed her hand "Don't be. I appreciate the hug. All I needed after a long day of work." Smiling at her with tired eyes.

Cameron knew Ezri needed to rest "Would you like me to stayover for tonight? I mean to accompany you?"

Ezri's eyes were getting heavier "I'm actually okay, but are you feeling okay to be alone now? You could stay if you want" still holding onto Cameron's hand. Ezri didn't want Cameron to go through all those couped up emotions alone, she really cared about Cameron.

Cameron just laid beside Ezri still holding onto her hand. Ezri dozed off, exhaustion consumed her. Cameron covered both of them with the duvet and switched off the lights. Seeing how soundly Ezri slept, Cameron slowly drifted to sleep too. 


AN: Double update as requested ;)

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