Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Cameron's POV

After a week of classes, everything was going smoothly. Steven is nice and very patient. He also teaches very well. I didn't have any trouble catching up from where I left off, well maybe a little hiccup here and there. I only have four hours of classes every day, then I'm only left with homework.

For the rest of the day, I didn't know what to do anymore. I hit the gym sometimes, and Ezri would be there training sometimes. I don't really see her much at home, other than during dinner time. Being the CEO of a company, she must have mountains of workload to deal with.

I feel bad living here rent free and she's already given me so much. Clothes on my back, paid for my education and bought me all these devices. I want to repay her or at least try to.

I knocked on the door to her studies "Hey Ez, you have a moment?"

She was buried in paperwork, when she looked up with her glasses on her head. She adjusted her glasses back to the bridge of her nose and smiled.

"It's alright, I can come back some other time." I was about to close the door, then she stood up immediately "No no, come have a seat." She moved to the couch as well.

I sat beside her, she looked cute with her glasses, her straight brunette hair down nicely parted from the side. Sitting with one on of her leg tucked under her in an oversize shirt and shorts, I just want to pinch her face with those glasses. I resist the urge to do so.

I made sure I faced her when I said "I've been thinking, since I only have four hours of classes a day. I want to try to take on a part time job. Would that be okay with you?"

"Are you sure you could juggle study and work together? I'm not stopping you or anything, it's 100% your choice." She placed her hand on the couch over my shoulder and I could see she worried about me not being able to cope.

I held my hands together, unsure about decision. Ez has a point, what if I couldn't handle both things at the same time. However, I am determined. I'd done this before, even when I was in middle school, I had to study and support my family.

But before I could respond, she reached out to place her hand on mine, "It's your life you have the right to make these decisions but I'm happy that you came by and are willing to share your thoughts with me." she gave one those reassuring smile of hers. Somehow as if she knew what I was feeling, and held my hand a little longer.

"I believe I can do it Ez. I want to try." I said it with determination in my voice, hoping that Ezri would understand. I know that she gave me the freedom to make my own choices but I want her to be on board with me, with my decisions.

Ezri nodded slowly, accepting my choices "Don't push yourself too hard okay?" I leaned into her, placing my head on her shoulder and settled in the crook of her neck.

"Thank you for trusting me." I said. She responded by placing her arm around my shoulder. I felt like everything is perfect at this moment. I felt safe in her arms, and things just felt right.

I slowly got up and made my way back to my room. Ezri stayed in her office for a while more, saying that she still had things to deal with.

Tonight, everything just fell right into place.


The next morning, Ezri specifically assigned one of the chauffeurs, Victor, to me. Regardless of how many times I insisted that it wasn't necessary, Ezri is adamant about it and there was just no way of changing Ezri's mind.

I've made up my mind to work in a cafe, so Victor drove me around to find cafes that are hiring. I didn't want Victor to get caught up in Bangkok traffic, especially during peak hour, so I had him drop me off at Siam Square.

He insisted that it wasn't a problem but he wasn't as stubborn as Ezri and gave in eventually. I walked around Siam square, getting lost in the crowd. I ended up in a small street about 10 minutes away from Siam square, it had a few cafes around. Everything looks very aesthetic and it wasn't very crowded.

I went into the first cafe that I saw, there were a few customers and there are two ladies working behind the counter. The cafe has a few tables that were painted in white, most of them were only meant for two seaters. They also have pastries that were displayed on the counter.

"Hi, is there anything I can help you with?" one of the friendly staff from behind the counter approached me.

I gave a polite smile "I was wondering if you guys are hiring? I'm actually finding a part time job." It's my first time actually finding a job the 'legal' way. All my previous jobs were arranged for me by my parents. It is actually quite nerve wrecking.

Her smile sudden widened "Yes, finally another pair of hands to help run this cafe!" She sounded so happy. Am I hired? Just like that?

"You'll have to be interviewed by the boss, but he's chill nothing serious. I'll get him for you." I gulped when I heard her say interview. I've never been interviewed before. I suddenly felt like just running out the door.

A guy walked out the door that had a 'staff only' sign on it. "Hey Max, we have a..." before she continued on she turned to face me "What's your name again?"

"Cameron." I cleared my throat, it suddenly felt like I was having difficulty talking.

"I'm Hailey." She whispered before turning back to Max. "Cameron here is looking for a part time job."

"Hello Cameron, I'm Max" he held out a hand and I shook it. He had a firm grip. He was a few inches taller than me, with a good build on him. His hair was short and had it styled so that it split in the middle. He did seem a little too young to be an owner of a cafe, maybe he is in his late twenties.

As I released the hand shake, he said "Come let sit at a corner and talk, where it's more quieter." He led the way to the far end table and sat on one of the chair with his legs crossed.

"Come sit." I sat opposite of him and quickly went down to business "So what do you do Cameron?"

I was actually nervous, I could feel my palm getting sweaty. I held onto my shirt, hoping it would absorb the sweat that was forming.

"I'm actually a student, I have a flexible schedule and I wanted to experience working in a cafe." Trying to sound more confident when I said it.

"Are you available to work either in the morning or the evenings? Sometimes maybe both. That's when the cafe is the busiest as working class people would stop by." Max asked now with his hands intertwined and on the table.

"Yeah. That wouldn't be a problem." I answered more confidently now, trying to keep my posture straight as well.

"Okay you're hired. When can you start working?" Finally having a wide smile on his face, showing his perfectly straight teeth.

I am over the moon, having my first ever appropriate job. It would have been a little sad, if I got a 'no' for an answer.

"I can start tomorrow." I said with a smile on my face, matching his intensity.

He stood up "Good see you tomorrow at 9 then. We'll show you how things work and you'll have lots to learn" he slowly made his way back to his office.

As I turned around I could see Hailey bobbing up and down in excitement and the other lady just said "Welcome to the family Cameron! I'm Mia by the way."

"It's very nice to meet you all." I replied still with a wide grin. After a few warm exchange, I made my way out of the cafe. Victor was still waiting for me around the area.

The first thing I did when I left the cafe was text Ezri.

Cameron: Hey Ez! I got a job! It's in a small cafe near Siam Square.

Cameron: (Shared location)

Ezri: That's my girl, nothing could stand in her way.

Ezri: Congratulation Cam!

I couldn't help but grin. My heart felt fuzzy when she said 'my girl'. My day just couldn't get any better than this.

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