Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Cameron's POV

I did what I had to do, I pulled her close to me. I wouldn't call it kissing her, more like attacking her. The kiss was never returned, she stood still with her hands remained by her side. Usually by this time, their hands were already roaming my body. Just the thought of it made me want to spill my guts out.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong hands on my shoulder. It wasn't forceful but it gently pushed me away. 'Maybe she just needed a breather' I thought to myself.

"Wow slow down now. I know I'm good-looking and all but don't need to be so feisty" I felt her eyes scanning my body. I didn't wait until she was done and I brought my lips onto hers again, this time she turned her face away.

I couldn't control the urge to cry. Suddenly a stray tear fell, not long after more followed. I felt so hopeless and terrified for my life. Finnegan wouldn't spare me this time.

I sat at the end of the bed, waiting for some cuss word to form in her mouth. When she finally spoke all I heard was "Are you alright?"

Her caring instead of scolding me, made me more anxious. I felt like the wall that I placed and all those build-up emotions suddenly came crashing down. "Am I really that useless? It is that bad?" I tried to keep my voice steady but couldn't hold back my sob.

She took off her blazer, and her hands were onto me now. It's either she was going to hit me or do the deed. Instead, I felt her blazer on me. I can feel the warmth, her warmth that engulfed me. I somehow felt safe around her. The smell of her expensive cologne, fresh, oak pinewood lingered in her coat. It just made me want to hug her and break down. I didn't dare to look at her so I opted to look at my feet.

I didn't know what to do, so we sat there silently. She broke the silence and asked "Erm, how old are you anyways? You seem too young to be working here."

"19" I answered. Not long after, I saw her moving towards the exit, I quickly held her arm ""Don't.. don't go. I'll try to serve you the best I could. If.. If I don't, they'll do things to me." Even if we didn't do anything tonight, she couldn't leave so soon. Everyone would get suspicious and that would get me in trouble as well.

She just stared back at me. Before she had time to respond or leave, my lips were on hers again. Now my hands were on her shirt, trying to unbutton them. Before I could get to the second button, her hands were on my cheeks. She stared at me with a soft gaze "I won't let that happen."

I didn't know how to make sense of the situation. She moved gracefully and with one swift motion now I was the one that was pinned against the wall. "Now close your eyes and relax and respond slowly okay."

I did what I was told, then I felt her lips ever so soft on mine. It wasn't like the others, this was slow and sweet. My heart was hammering against my chest. Unconsciously, I parted my lips slowly, craving for more but she pulled away.

And with those caring brown eyes, she looked at me " That is how you kiss someone properly."

I felt like my inside was doing summersault. I couldn't really describe what I was feeling. But scared for my life that was definitely still there.

As she moved towards the door, all hope was gone. Tonight might be my last night. I trailed behind her, keeping my distance. She occasionally turned around to see if I was still behind her.

As we were near the counter, I saw Madam Foo Foo quick to get on her feet "Ms Wallace..." I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but it wouldn't take an idiot to guess that it was about me. The fear that I felt increased threefold. More tears started to stream down my face and my throat started to feel dry. I know whatever makeup I had on was already washed away by my tears. Before another sob could escape, two ushers grabbed me by the arm and led me away from the scene.

I wanted to fight, my heart was already in my throat. Somehow my body just couldn't react, as if it knew it was pointless. What a girl like me could possibly do to these two large men, a small scratch? Tears have stopped flowing now. I didn't pay much attention to where they were taking me. It felt like an eternity, but I'm pretty sure it was just a few minutes. They opened a door and then threw my slumped body into the room.

My arm scraped the hard wooden floor. I felt it was throbbing, certainly there must be some abrasion wound. But I couldn't feel the pain, everything was numb.

As I adjusted my vision to the dim lights of my surrounding. I found myself to a familiar place, the cheapest rooms for lower-class customers. Guess they wanted to milk me for more money instead of killing me then.

I still couldn't shake off the fear that still remained in the pit of my stomach. As I pulled myself to the floor, the door swung open. A man maybe mid 50s, appears in front of me. He launched himself on me. I couldn't care less now. I just let him do whatever he pleases.

He shoved me hard into the bed. He placed himself on top of me. Making sure I can't escape his grasp. Little did he know, I made no effort to. He certainly was drunk as he was reek of alcohol.

My mind just completely shut down. Not thinking about anything anymore. I finally understood what Kendra meant when she said don't think. It literally meant no thoughts at all. What did she have to go through to end up being this way.

A loud knock came from the door, the guy let out a low grunt. As the door opened, I was blinded for a second by the light that shone into the dark room.

Suddenly, the weight that was on top of me was gone. I inhaled deeply, didn't know that I was having difficulty breathing the whole time. As my eyes began to focus, I saw her again. The VVIP guest that I was supposed to sleep with.

Everything came rushing back to me again. The fear in me turned to anger, why is she turning my world upside down. I just want to live. If it weren't for her tonight, I wouldn't be in this mess right now. A whirlwind of emotion was stirring in me, like a tornado emotion was forming, all jumbled up and confused. "What are you doing? Are you trying to get me fired or killed?" I couldn't keep my angered tone hidden.

I wrapped my arm around my body, trying to preserve any sense of dignity I had left. Which I know there's none. I still did it anyways.

She took the blazer that was chucked off to one side of the bed, and proceeded to wrap it around me "How many times am I supposed to put this back on you tonight?"

I carefully saw how she buttoned up the blazer one at a time "That ought to keep it in place now." saying after she was done while giving me a small reassuring smile.

I couldn't understand what was her game. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. That smile of hers, something about it made me feel like it was genuine. Like she genuinely cared and it was okay for me to trust her.

She held my hand and with those strong powerful arms, pulled me out of bed "Come Ms Auckley, let's get your stuff."

Ms Auckley? Never once had I heard someone call me that. Was she being respectful or was I just a pawn in one of their rich man's games? However, I still followed as she led me out of the room. 

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