Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Third POV

Cameron took her time going into the house, she walked around the property to enjoy the cotton candy sunset sky. It was so peaceful, she never felt so at peace before.

How long will this peace last? The thought made a tear escape, she quickly wiped it away. Trying not to think about what could happen and be in the present. It was easier said than done. Watching how the sky was getting dark, she made her way back into the room.

When she opened the door to her bedroom, her eyes widened in shock. The room was filled with shopping bags. It was no way close to flood the room because the room was so huge. Like it could easily fit 50 people in here.

She distracted herself by unpacking the clothes and keeping them in the closet. Even after putting all the things away into the closet, the closet wasn't even half filled.

Who could go through all those clothes if the closet was filled up, she thought to herself.

Half an hour later Naomi arrived.

"Hello darling, I'm home!" Naomi shouted as she entered the house. She was no stranger here, she practically grew up with Ezri so everyone knew Ezri as well as they knew Naomi.

"Can you not be so loud every time you set foot into the house." Ezri said from the top of the stairs while rolling her eyes. Naomi was always known to be the happy-go-lucky one and Ezri the more serious one. They balance each other well, that's why they still stick around each other after all this while.

Ezri's phone rang, it was about work. She took the call. For Ezri, work always comes first. After Amelia, she always buried herself in work. It kept her distracted and at least its a goal that she could work to strike.

When Ezri turned around, she saw Cameron walking out of her room. Motioning her phone towards Cameron, she walked into her studies.

Cameron knew it was work, looking at how Ezri's expression and tone always change when it comes to work. She always had this sinister vibe around her when she's dealing with work.

Meanwhile Naomi met Walter walking passed the entrance. "Hey Walter, what's up! What's good for today?" She asked.

"Hello Naomi, good day today. The kitchen is preparing all your favourites, as per requested by Ezri." Walter answered in a calm voice. Despite watching both Ezri and Naomi grow up, and dealing with all their nonsense. Walter never really loosened up and still talked with respect.

Before Walter walked away, he added "Please don't scare Cameron away, will you."

"What do you mean? I don't bite!" Each word got louder than the previous one, as Walter was getting further away.

When Naomi turned away, Cameron was already at the bottom of the stairs. Coming face to face with Naomi. "Oh hello there, you must be Cameron." Naomi spoke first.

"Hi, yes and you must be Naomi." Cameron spoke in a shy voice. Cameron's voice was as timid as a mouse, on the other hand, Naomi was as loud as an elephant.

"Yes" Naomi paused for a while taking a step back, scanning Cameron's body head to toe. This made Cameron self-aware that she looked down as well, seeing if there's anything wrong with her clothing.

"This is what E spent half a million dollars on? Not my taste but not bad at all." Naomi continued on with her hand on her chin, still looking at Cameron.

That comment made Cameron's eyes widen in shock and a gasp escaped when her mouth parted slightly. Still in disbelief at what she just heard.

That was went Ezri made it down the stairs "Nomi shut up! That is no way to talk to someone, especially someone you've just met." Ezri's eyebrow furrowed as she talked to Naomi.

Her gaze softened when she faced Cameron, "I apologize on Nomi's behalf. Did she scare you?"

"Yea, looks like you've seen a ghost, Cameron. Am I that scary?" Naomi said while looking at her reflection in the full-length mirror that was located beside the shoe closet.

"All I see is a beauty staring back at me" Naomi licked her lips and gave herself a wink.

Ezri rolled her eyes "Ignore her Cam." And mouth 'She's mental'. And gave her a goofy face. Cameron couldn't help it and chuckle. Ezri grinned ear to ear seeing how Cameron reacted. She's glad that she could put a smile on Cameron's face.

They didn't realise Naomi was watching them the whole time. "What did you say E?" Naomi was already folding her sleeves up.

Ezri just started running down the hallway and Naomi started chasing her around the house.

"Girls dinner is about to be served. STOP RUNNING WILL YOU AND DON'T BREAK ANYTHING!" Maria came out of nowhere and shouted at them. "Two 28-years-old still behaving like they're five, tsk tsk." She shook her head and muttered to herself. Quickly disappearing back to the kitchen.

This time Cameron really laughed out loud. There's definitely more to Ezri than meets the eye.

This time, they used the larger dining table. So much food was prepared, on the dining table, Cameron had never seen so much food being served before, especially if it's was just for a simple dinner. Not a fancy gathering or whatnot. She can't imagine Christmas in this house, food must have filled the whole table.

Ezri and Naomi were pushing each other when they strode their way to the dining hall. Both smiling happily, they were still panting from all the running.

Cameron just stood there unsure where to sit. Naomi quickly took a seat at the head of the table. Like she was claiming the seat as king, sitting there proudly. Ezri sat beside Naomi and pulled the chair beside her. Tapping on the chair "Come sit here Cam"

Cameron nodded and sat beside Ezri. "Where is Walter and Maria? I'm starving!" holding her fork and spoon, ready to dig in anytime.

"Same old, same old. Don't you ever grow up Naomi." Walter appeared from the kitchen while he and Maria took a seat across from Ezri and Cameron.

"Ugh, it's the only place I can let loose. LET ME BE WALTER. E and I will forever be your babies." Blowing them a kiss and directly dove straight for the food.

"You look like you haven't eaten in days, Naomi." Maria voiced out, still shaking her head.

"Hmm?" Naomi stared at them with her mouth full.

"Is there anything you don't eat or can't take?" Ezri looked at Cameron with tender eyes. Cameron's heart gave a loud thud "No.." she looked at her lap when she answered.

Ezri started to fill Cameron's plate with a little bit of everything. Unsure which food will she like.

"I hope the food will be to your liking." Ezri placed the now-filled plate back in front of Cameron, smiling and deepening those dimples.

"Keep acting like that, I might puke. Ouch!" Naomi suddenly jumped in pain, reaching for her leg and her eyes flew in Walter's direction. Pouting when she stared at Walter.

Walter cleared his throat and continue eating, acting like nothing happened.

They all enjoyed their dinner and had lovely conversations. They seem like a happy family, something all of them had been longing for.

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