Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Ezri's POV

I woke up, still feeling a little sore. When I opened my eyes, there she was still sound asleep. It's been more than 4 years since I woke up beside someone. Someone that I had feelings for. There were a few flings here and there but never truly a person that I had feelings with. I can't help but admit it, Cameron really did a number on me.

I slowly made my way out of bed, trying not to wake her. That's when I realised I was still shirtless. I made my way to the bathroom, hoping that the sound of the water draining wouldn't startle her from her sleep. When I'm was all ready for work, she was still curled up under the soft duvet. I didn't want to wake her from her peaceful dream. She slept late last night because of me. I took the liberty to call the cafe and someone answered "Hello, is this October cafe"

"Yes, it is. How may we help you?" It was Max on the other end of the phone.

"This is Ezri, Cameron's housemate. She had a long night last night and she's still asleep right now. Is it okay if she just skipped her morning shift for today?" I couldn't remember the last time I asked for permission.

"Yea sure! No worries, let Cameron have her rest." Max sounded very genuine with his answer and I could tell he truly cared for her. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I wanted her all to myself but thinking about how she might get hurt because of me. I just couldn't bear the thought.

Silence hung in the air for a while "Okay thank you" I ended the call.

I made sure to leave a message for Cameron before I head to work 'Sorry for keeping you up last night, hope you've got a good rest. I've told Max you had homework to do so you could skip your morning shift. I am really grateful for you being there last night."

Cameron's POV

When I finally woke up, Ezri was not there anymore. I lay in bed a while more, inhaling her scent. Why does she have to smell so good, am I really falling for her?

Then it hit me. What time is it? I AM SO LATE FOR WORK. I rushed to my room to get my phone. I forgot that my phone was not with me, the alarm must had been going off the whole morning.

When I finally got to my phone, there was just one text from Max. My phone didn't blow up from calls. Does that mean I'm fired? I quickly opened the text.

Max: Morning Cam. Ezri called this morning saying you slept late last night doing your school work. Don't worry about missing work this morning. I'm an understanding boss ;)

Max: You could just come for the evening shift or if you need to take the day off, it's fine as well.

Ezri called Max? She still thought of me even though she was hurt. A little white lie wouldn't hurt right? That's when I realised there was a text from Ezri as well.

I replied Max before looking at Ezri's text

Cameron: I'm so sorry Max that I couldn't make it to work this morning. I'll definitely come in the evening.

Swiping out of Max's conversation, I tapped into Ezri's name.

Ezri: Sorry for keeping you up last night, hope you've got a good rest. I've told Max you had homework to do so you could skip your morning shift. I am really grateful you being there last night.

Holding my phone against my chest, I leaned against the wall. Ezri always surprised me in ways I wouldn't expect. She would actually go to lengths to make sure that I was okay. My heart started to flutter and my breath began to shallow. I stayed there for a while longer before I hopped into the shower to get ready for class.

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