Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Third POV

Cameron woke up as the sunray shone on her face. She had forgotten to shut the curtain last night, because she had a late night from setting up her Macbook and iPad.

When she checked her phone, she got a text from Ezri.

Ezri: Hey Cam, hope you slept well last night. I've already arranged for a tutor, and he is willing to start as soon as possible. I'll forward you his contact, you could contact him once you're ready. He also send some homework for you, he claim it's to assess your level of understanding.

Ezri: If you need anything, just text me okay. I'll always be here :)

Ezri: Also goodluck, but I believe you won't need it.

Ezri: Steven Tutor (Forwarded)

Then a whole lot of files came flooding into Cameron's messages. She is over the moon to know that she actually could continue her studies.

Cameron quickly replied Ezri

Cameron: Thank you so much Ez! I'll get started today <3

Within seconds the message was already seen by Ezri. Ezri was in the office going through more files when she saw the message. From being frustrated with all the work she's dealing with, that message just made everything go away. Especially that little heart emoji in the end. She leaned back into her seat and smiled to herself.

"That must be my future sister in-law texting you right?" Naomi just had to tease Ezri, seeing her smiling ear to ear.

Ezri took the pen that was on her desk and threw it in Naomi's direction. Naomi dodged it with ease, she was no different from Ezri. Being the COO means she also deals with a fair amount of business disputes. They also had been training together since they were young.

"Shut up Nomi." Ezri added after throwing the pen. Naomi was happy finally seeing Ezri smiling like that again.

Back at home, Cameron hopped into the shower to freshen up so she could dive into the homework that was given. Before she started, Cameron made sure she had her breakfast since it was already prepared. She didn't want to appear rude or anything.

After breakfast, "That's the fastest I've seen Cameron ate." Maria whispered to Walter. Walter just had a smile on his face, happy to know that Cameron was finally enjoying herself here.

Cameron fixed her desk, making sure things were all in order. For the rest of the day she buried herself in her Macbook, doing all the work that was given to her. Cameron has already contacted Steven, her new tutor and class would officially start tomorrow. She finally feels like she has a goal to work on.

Before she knew it, it was already dinner time. She still hasn't noticed how dark it has already gotten. A sudden knock on her door, made her look at the time. It was already 7 p.m.

"Hey Cam, it's me. Is it okay if I come in?" Ezri shouted from the other side of the door. Ezri just got back from work, wearing a grey pearl Burberry blazer over a white button down and black pants.

"Yup...." Cameron answered without tearing her gaze from the screen in front of her.

"Everything going okay?" Ezri stood behind her, tilting her head slightly to get a better look at Cameron. She was so concentrated trying to figure out how to convert her files, with her eyebrow knitted. She didn't notice that Ezri was looking at her.

"I just couldn't figure out how to convert this file to..." before she knew it, Ezri already took the mouse that Cameron was holding. Ezri's hand was on Cameron while she guided the mouse. Ezri leaned in closer to get a better look, her face was beside Cameron. Ezri's other hand rested on the table. Their body almost touching, if it weren't for the chair that is separating them. Cameron could even smell the perfume that Ezri had on and her minty breath.

Cameron could feel little butterfly that is dancing around in her stomach. Her palms were starting to break sweat, she hoped that Ezri wouldn't notice.

"There all done." When Ezri turned to face Cameron, that is when she realised how close they actually were. Cameron's face is already showing a faint blush.

Little did Cameron know, Ezri already had a whole zoo stampeding in her stomach. Ezri took a leap back, trying to hide her own blush.

"Dinner is ready by the way. Let's eat before you continue." Ezri slowly walked closer to Cameron again.

Before leaving Ezri pat Cameron's head "I know you're serious about getting your work done, but don't forget to eat okay?" Ezri said.

Cameron just nodded. Cameron likes Ezri's subtle action like this. It shows how much she cares.

"If not I'll barge in here and feed you myself." Ezri added before walking away.

Cameron was still smiling and blushing even after Ezri had left. She sat for a while more trying to calm her racing heart. After she felt more calmer, she made her way downstairs to have dinner.

At the dining hall, "Ezri, why aren't you eating? Is something troubling you?" Walter asked concerned that Ezri was feeling down again.

Walter and Maria were there through Ezri's darkest period. They've seen how broken Ezri was after Amelia. She had refused to eat, to go to work, to do anything other than lock herself in her studies indulging herself in bottles after bottles of alcohol. She blamed herself for everything that had happened. Other than that, she would also destroy things in her office during that time, throwing empty bottles, and smashing furniture. From time to time, she would also come home bloodied, wrecked of alcohol and sometimes Naomi was the one who had to carry her back home as she was either too drunk or too hurt to walk. Naomi always said that it was work but deep down both Walter and Maria knew she did that to herself. Naomi is a good kid, she just didn't want them to worry.

Walter worried that this would be another flare up of hers, "I'm just waiting for Cam." Ezri answered while keeping her eyes on the door, stretching her neck out hoping she could see Cameron in the hallway. Ezri hasn't touched her food yet, she is still waiting for Cameron.

Cameron finally showed up, that cheered Ezri up so much. Ezri smiled like she just won the lottery. Walter and Maria couldn't help but let out a small laugh at Ezri's reaction. Ezri turned to them with squint eyes and a 'don't make fun of me' face. Cameron took a seat opposite of Ezri.

"Let me get rice for you." Ezri took Cameron's plate and happily walked towards the rice cooker.

"That's our queue to leave. You both enjoy dinner." Maria gave Walter a nudge with her elbow.

"No you guys don't need to go. We could all sit and chat." Cameron told Walter and Maria, still couldn't understand why they were leaving.

"It's fine." Walter quickly finished his last spoonfull of rice and left.

Ezri and Cameron enjoyed their meal together. Talking about how work has been for Ezri and how Cameron is dealing with her homework.

They both were happy being in each other's company.

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