Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As we reached the door, the security guard let us in after receiving command from his earpiece. I entered, as the hostess waited outside.

"Ms Wallace, it's good to have you back here! I hope she didn't cause you any trouble. I sincerely apologize if things weren't to your liking. I could arrange something or someone else if you pleased." A man stood from his chair behind a desk with a few dildos, vibrators and whips nicely arranged on it.

He turned around to pour some whiskey before handing it to me, while downing his own glass.

Before he could open his mouth to say something, I cut to the chase "How much for..." I just realised I didn't even know her name. "her."

"Please don't! As I told you, it is on the house!" pouring himself another drink, and clinking our glasses.

"I think you didn't get me, how much for her contract. I would like to purchase her." Eyeing him the same look I gave every businessman, stern and cold.

He gave me a puzzled look. Slowly I see his expression changed as things clicked into place "Owh, you don't want her. She's nothing but trouble."

"Name your price, 100?200?.. or should I call the Whites to ask?" I didn't want to spend any more time talking to this asshole. Making women as his money-making factory. Plus I had no idea what in God's name are they doing to her right now. The thought of it just made me more anxious, but I couldn't let my emotions slip out or show any sign of weakness.

I could see his face turned sour before composing himself. He had to admit defeat as things wouldn't be as smooth as this if other Whites were involved.

"I didn't know you would spend that much on her. 400 and I'll give her contract to you." He said while playing with the ice in his glass that was nursing his whiskey.

I pulled out my phone and texted my bodyguard to bring the cash up. As I always carry some with me, in case of an emergency. " 500 and don't ever bother her again. I don't think you'll want to get on my bad side. You know what happens to people who do." I gave him a warning in a cold and eerie tone. He choked on his whiskey, didn't think that I would offer him more.

I've learnt from my father that when dealing with people like him, you always have to have the upper hand. It is essential when doing this sort of business. The weaklings always die first.

I handed him the money that was arranged neatly in the suitcase. His eyes were still in shock. He couldn't believe how much money was in front of him. Was it maybe because I didn't specify it was 500 thousand and not just 500 dollars. Some businesses especially this particular brothel prefer dollars, to show it's esteem and how not any ordinary man could just barge in. I didn't wait for him to hand her documents over and just took the contract along with her identification card and whatever documents are were hers.

A smile crept on his face and he offered a handshake, but I just ignored it and gulped down my whiskey. It was enough to show that a deal was stroked. I look at the name on the card "Cameron Auckley"

As I pushed the door open, the hostess was still standing outside. "Now lead me to where Cameron is." she hesitated for a while. She took a quick look at her boss, who gave her a nod, before she hurriedly made her way to wherever Cameron was being held.

We made our way to another part of the building. The hallway got narrower and narrower. The smell of smoke, alcohol and pee stung the air. Then she opened one of the doors abruptly after knocking it.

Right then I saw Cameron being pinned down. The man's hand was already tugging on her lingerie, I assumed he was about to pull it off her.

I felt the heat surge through my body. I wanted nothing more than to put a bullet through his head. Why was I so worked up? Was I jealous? Pushing the thought back down.

Without stalling, I went in to shove the man aside. Even though he was larger than me, I knew I could take him down. Being on this side of the business, I had to be equipped so I mastered a few different self-defence martial arts including Muay Thai, Judo, and Karate. I also had shooting lessons and carried a firearm with me just in case.

"What the hell are you doing! I paid for this! You better have an answer for this." I could hear arguments being thrown at the staff who were trying to calm him down.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to get me fired or killed?" she sounded pissed, hands crossed on her stomach covering whatever bare skin that she could. She was defensive, I took my blazer that was thrown aside. Place it back on her, trying not to touch her. Scared that it would tick her off even more "How many times am I supposed to put this back on you tonight?" After buttoning it up "That ought to keep it in place now." Giving a small smile.

I took her hand "Come Ms Auckley, let's get your stuff."

I walk as she quietly followed along.

What the hell did you just do EZRI WALLACE. I think a screw in my brain just came loose.  

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