Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 new

Third POV

It's been a few months since the funeral. Everything went back to somewhat normal. Now Naomi is in charge of handling all of the company's business. Cameron visited Ezri's grave every day for a month when she finally let go. She slowly started class again and headed to work. Cameron started working once a week and slowly increased to twice a week. Now she's heading in every other day. Things had been taking toll on everyone but all of them are finding their own way to cope and move on.

How Hailey, Mia and Max help her to get back up to her feet. They were very supportive and took turns to visit Cameron. All of them agreed that leaving her alone would be a bad idea.

Cameron moved to the penthouse that Ezri gifted her some time ago. She couldn't bring herself to live in the house they shared together anymore. Every corner of the house reminded her of Ezri. She still could hear her voice echoing down the hallway. It just wasn't helping at all for her to move on.

Walter and Maria moved to Ezri's parents' house to help the two elderly that had lost their only daughter. Mrs Wallace was still upset that her daughter was gone, but she never blamed Cameron. She even invited her to come over for dinner from time to time. She knew the girl needed all the support she could get. Mr Wallace didn't show any reaction, he already knew that Ezri was going to do everything and anything to get Cameron back. The hug was just in case things turned out the way it did.

4 months later (One year and half since Ezri's funeral, two years since the incident)

Cameron's POV

Max dragged me out of the house to get groceries. He'd been nagging me about how empty my fridge was every time he visited. He kept saying even if I didn't cook, I should at least have some fruits or snacks in stock.

He came over very often to check on me. The vase that was filled with flowers on the counter top, that was all him. He brought flowers over every time and I kind of got used to it by now. At first, I scolded him saying it was only a waste of money buying those flowers but he persisted so I just let him be.

He did confess again at some point but I just didn't see him that way. I wanted to give him a chance but I just couldn't open up my heart for him, not romantically at least. It felt like I was using him but he said he'd stick around and wait.

I managed to start up a small business so I've been very occupied with work lately. Every single day, there were tons of calls and emails. Recently I've been on my phone or some sort of device around the clock. Even when I'm was out shopping which I should be relaxing and enjoying myself, I still get bombarded with endless messages.

Halfway through our shopping trip, we went our separate ways since we had different things on our list. I ended up outside the mall since the shop that I wanted to visit was nearby. At the crossroad I was busy replying my emails, I heard the beeping sound that indicated the pedestrians could cross. I took one step and suddenly I heard engine roaring and brake squeaking against the brake pads. A loud honk came from my left when I turned around I saw a speeding motorcycle heading towards my direction.

I couldn't move, I didn't know what to do. It felt like life flashed before my eyes. I felt a pull from behind and fell backward immediately and landed on someone.

"Are you alright?" The person spoke in a panicked tone. That voice, that voice. Why did it so familiar? It sounded like Ezri, no it couldn't be. I must be hallucinating. My heart started to race maybe it was from the adrenaline.

Trying to steady my breath "I'm okay." Then I saw from a distance that Max was already running towards my direction.

I felt the person behind me started to shift their position and stood up. From the corner of my eyes, I saw she was wearing a black hoodie with brunette hair draping over her face. She hurried away, as Max settled by my side. My eyes were still fixed on her as she walked away. That body built seemed too much alike to Ezri. Was my eyes playing tricks on me too?

I brushed Max's hand off and followed her. She turned a corner and I jogged to catch up but then she was gone. There was no sign of her.

"What was that about?" Max was already by my side. I had this gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach. Was that really Ezri? I pushed it to the back of my head. "Nothing. Let's go home." I said to Max.

As I reached home I still couldn't shake off the feeling. It must be her. I need to prove myself wrong. This couldn't be real. I called Victor and asked him to gather some information. He's been helping me all this time to find Ezri, hiring private investigators. He's quite resourceful after having followed Ezri for many years. Not more than half an hour, Victor stopped by the house. He just texted me and said he'd be here in five minutes.

Victor had the key to the house so he just let himself in. When I got to the living room, he was already pacing around the couch. He just handed me the files without saying anything.

When I opened it up, it was a picture of Ezri and Naomi and some paper works attached to it. "Why are you showing me an old picture of them together?"

"This was taken a month ago." Victor said while pointing at stamped date. I gasped this can't be real. Ezri was really alive. Her suspicion was correct. "And the paperwork shows that Naomi was her guarantor. She pulled her name out of the dead list a few months ago."

My legs went jello and I fell on the couch. Thousands of emotions came flooding in. Relieved that she was alive, love that I reserved for her, missing her all the time, angry why didn't she come and find me, why did she leave me.

Naomi knew all along. She knew that Ezri was alive and didn't bother to let me know. I still couldn't believe this was happening. What if this was all a prank. I immediately got my keys and drove to Naomi's house.

As I reached her doorstep, I bang on the door as hard as I possibly could. If I could bring the door down, I would.

Naomi was still in bathrobe and hair wet "Cam what are you.." before she could finish I'd already pushed my way into the house.

I slam all the documents including the picture that Victor gave me earlier "What's the meaning of all these Naomi!" I didn't even bother to hide the anger in my voice.

Naomi picked up the picture and she didn't even need to see the paper works when guilt washed over her face and she immediately went pale "Cam.."

"How long Naomi? How long have you known and you kept it from me!" as my voice cracked, I couldn't hold my tears back anymore.

Naomi sighed in defeat "E was the one who made me swear not to tell you about it. I wanted so much to tell you but it wasn't my place to say anything."

Ezri was alive. She was really alive. The person from earlier must be her. My heart broke a little but it gave me hope. Hoping that I will see her again.

"Where is she now?" anger surged through my voice. I needed to find her. No more hiding.

Naomi stared at the ground "I don't know Cam." I'd never heard Naomi sound so timid before.

I made my way around the couch and I was directly standing in front of her now "Stop lying to me." I enunciated every single word.

"I'm not!" trying to sound convincing "E actually stayed here for a while until the day you suddenly came here unannounced. She was scared you'll find out so she moved out. She didn't even tell me where she went."

I was under the same roof as her and I didn't even realise. What kind of person am I. More tears started to cover my face.

Naomi now facing me "I do know she sometimes stops by your place, the old, the new. She's always nearby." Ezri was always around. It was her that saved me again. "You could try going to the old house, she might be there." Naomi continued on. I didn't wait for her to continue on and just left. This would be the second person I ghosted today.


AN: To those who are still reading this story:

See I told you guys, I'll make her happy again 

I'm sorry if I broke your hearts and maybe gave you all a minor heart attack

Thank you for staying with me till now 🤍🤍 

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