Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Cameron's pov

It's the 7th day now, it is already ten at night. I lazed around the couch in the library, starting yet again another new book. I think I've already gone through four books now, since I didn't have anything to do.

I heard footsteps and then a knock at the door. I turned around and saw Ezri standing there, with her hair tied into a bun, a casual navy suit on with matching pants and a black button down. Her usual self she unbuttoned two of the top buttons.

"Hi Cam, it's been a while since I've seen you. Is everything going alright?" I can see the dark circles underneath her eyes starting to form.

I straightened my posture and sat properly now. "No, not really."

She took a step closer. I had to get it off my chest. "Why did you bring me here Ezri? Why did you spend so much money on me? Why do people keep treating me like some sort of property that they could toss around? What kind of rich people game are you guys playing?" when I finished speaking, I was gasping for air. I didn't realise I raised my voice when I said it. All the emotion suddenly burst out of the bubble. I didn't know I had it couped up for so long.

My shoulder slouched down and I wrapped my hand on my own hips while staring down. "Sorry I shouldn't have lashed out like that. I have no right to." I spoke with a softer voice now. I felt bad talking like that to her. Tears start filling my eyes.

I could feel the weight on the couch shift as she sat beside me. "I'm sorry too. I should have thought about it when I brought you here. Cam look at me."

I slowly lifted my head to face her "You are not some kind of property, don't ever think that about yourself. I don't regret spending that money, this is not some kind of twisted game. Believe me if I could turn back time, I would do the same thing all over again." sincerity in her voice and those eyes were staring straight at me.

I could see that she was tired, but she still tried to comfort me. I appreciate her for that. "I wanted to give you the freedom to do what you wanted and respect your space. That's why I gave you space." A weak smile formed on her face and she gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

I returned the smile, hearing from her just made me feel better. The anger in me subsides. She has her way with me, I just didn't know how she does it.

She let go of my hand, I wanted to reach out but I know I shouldn't. I pulled my hands back.

"I was thinking, if you wanted to continue your education. I saw your files that night, the dropout form was in there. I know I shouldn't have looked at it without your permission, sorry. I could arrange home schooling for you and you could see from there if you want to continue to college or not." I can see she was searching for an answer from my reaction.

I remained silent and she continued "but it's totally up to you. I'm not forcing you or anything." Her voice sounded panicky, like scared she had said the wrong thing.

"I.." the words seem caught in my throat. I tried again "I don't know how to repay you for all of these."

"I'm the one who got you here. I'm responsible for you, so stop thinking about all this repaying shit okay." Saying it in a more serious tone. I know she meant what she said. I just nodded my head ever so slightly. "so is that a yes to continuing your studies, I mean I understand if you need a few days to think about it." She sounded a little bit excited.

"Yea, I have always wanted to finish school but never had the chance to." Back to my timid self again.

Ezri hopped off the couch like a happy bunny and quickly headed to her study. She came out with a big bag with an Apple logo on it.

"Thank God you said yes. If not these would have gone to waste." She handed me the bag. I took a peek inside and saw a brand new Macbook and iPad sitting inside in it including some accessories. I've never gotten any gifts before, not even for my birthday. We just never could afford it.

"Just tell me if you need anything...." before she could finish her sentence, I stood up and huged her.

She froze and I think she stopped breathing for a few seconds. "Thank you, thank you very much for everything" She was warm to the touch and I wanted to hold on longer. I held the hug for a second longer before stepping back releasing her.

"You're welcome." Her hand was behind of her neck again. I think she does that every time she gets shy?

"For a second there, I thought you were going to attack me with a kiss again." she teased while giving me playful smirk. I could feel my cheeks were burning up. I pressed my lips together and could feel my pulse beginning to increase in speed.

"You would love that, wouldn't you?" I don't know what gave me the courage to say that. My eyes darted to the floor, embarrassed by my own comment.

"I'm scared you would crave it more than I do." I didn't know she had more sly comments up her sleeves. I tried to hide my smile and had my hands behind my back.

Ezri was suppressing a yawn, I saw her eyes get watery and her body trembled. "You should get some sleep Ez." I said.

"Yea, maybe I should. Goodnight Cam. And just so you know, if you need anything at all or need someone to talk to, you could just call me." She said while handing me the bag of stuff that was on the couch.

"Okay. Goodnight Ez, sweet dreams." I took the stuff, our hands brushed for me a second. I could see Ezri was sheepish about it and took a step back, that's when she hit the door frame. I giggled at her clumsiness.

She rubbed the back of her head and quickly headed out. 


AN: As promised :)

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