Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Cameron's POV

The whole day I just laid in bed the whole, recalling the moments that we shared together that night. Did Ezri basically confess? Was I too drunk and imagining things? I was also trying to nurse my hangover from the day before.

That night how Ezri didn't want to ruin my fun so she just let me dance and how she just stood there being shield for me. Pieces and fragments slowly being pieced back together like a jigsaw puzzle. My phone buzzed and my finger tapped on the screen before I could realise it, I'd opened a message

Hailey: How was last night?

Cameron: Thank you for the party <3

Reading Hailey's name just suddenly reminded me of last night, what Hailey did with Ezri.

Hailey: Nothing happened last night?

Cameron: You mean between you and Ezri?

Hailey: Okay woman we need to talk. Meet me here.

Hailey: Address

I really didn't want to get out of bed. I wanted to confront Ezri about it but I was too shy to ask her anything after last night. Talking to Hailey might be easier. It took every ounce of me to roll out of bed and get change.

When I was finally done, I texted Ezri letting her know I would be out with Hailey. After pressing the send button, it made me wonder why I let her know? I somehow felt obliged to tell her. I was sure I wasn't at the right state to drive right now so I texted Andrew as well wondering if he could give me a ride. Thank god he replied instantly saying he was more than happy to.

When I arrived at the address and headed inside, Hailey was already at the bar sipping on her cocktail. Didn't she just drink last night? And now she is still at it? I wonder how her liver was holding up.

Sliding into the seat next to her "Lemonade please." I told the bartender that was just about to offer to recommend me some cocktails.

"Lemonade? Seriously?" Hailey eyed me head to toe.

"I'm still going through my hangover before you dragged me out of bed." Putting my fingers on my temple. My head didn't hurt as much as it did but I could still feel the after effect of it.

Hailey shifted in her seat making sure she was facing me. She let out sigh "About last night. Nothing happened okay. I was just proving a point."

"Which is?" Moving my hands out of the way making sure I could see her when she explained. "That you fucking like her." Waving her hands in mid-air with a 'duh' expression on her "Isn't it obvious enough already?" she added.

I kept quiet didn't know how to respond. Maybe cause I looked confused so she continued on. "Cameron. Since the day she walked into the cafe. The way you looked at her already gave it all away. She looked at you the same way too you know. You people are just too blind to notice it. Even a blind man could see the pull you have for each other." Hailey shook her head in discontent. "And just so you know she was actually jealous when you started talking to Max and the stunt he pulled with the latte with a heart on it." My eyes still widened in disbelief. All along right from the start we've been going around in circles.

My phone rang, that save me from answering Hailey. Truthfully, I didn't know what to say. It's Naomi. She never called me, is Ezri in trouble? I answered the call "You free Cam? Let's grab a bite and talk. It's about E." Why is everyone calling me and taking me out to talk about Ezri today. So many perfect days, days that I wasn't going through a hungover. Out of all those days they had to pick today.

"Gimme a second." I pulled the phone away from my ear. "It's Naomi. Ezri's friend. Do you mind if she joined us?" Hailey shruged and continued to talk to the bartender to order some titbits.

"I'm already outside. I'll text you the location." I told Naomi and she agreed to come to meet us.

Not long after, Naomi arrived "Hey Cam." I stood up to give her a quick hug. "This is Hailey, a friend from work."

"Hello there. Cameron never said Ezri has hot friends." Hailey said while extending her hand towards Naomi.

Naomi shook it "It's just me. Her other friends well let's just say they can't outshine me." While winking at her. If these two continue flirting, they could talk about Ezri among themself. I'm out of here.

We moved to a table where all of us could actually sit and face each other. "Back to the topic. How you actually feel Cam?" Hailey asked and she was actually being serious.

I took the plunge "I like her. I really like her." Keeping my eyes shut, I didn't dare to look at the expression on their faces. "Then have you confessed yet?" Hailey asked.

I shook my head "No. Not really. Maybe a stolen kiss here and there but it's all the alcohol talking you know." Hailey mouth widened with shock but slowly her lips curled up. I could see the teasing look she's giving.

Before she could tease me, I sighed "It's complicated. I don't understand, she's been giving me cold shoulders before the party."

"That bloke is an idiot." Naomi suddenly voiced out. "That night Max confessed, she saw it. She was there."

"But I rejected him." I defended myself, accidentally said that a little bit too loud.

Naomi laughed "My idiot sister didn't stay that long to know that."

"But last night I've already told Ezri that you've rejected him.." Hailey paused for a second "though she didn't really seem to believe me."

"That's why she's been acting all heart broken." Naomi hinted. All of the sudden everything made sense. Ezri's action, the way she acted. Caterpillars that were in my heart started to hatch out of their cocoons, so all along she felt the same way. She was actually heart broken. I couldn't believe it.

"You have to tell her how you feel." I could hear the earnest in Naomi voice "and E is always complicated. Everything about her screams complication. She's worth it. I'm not saying this because she's my sister. It's because she really is."

There was a moment of silence, I think they were giving me time to process things "She close herself off as well sometimes. It's not you. It's just.." Naomi let out a 'tsk' and inhaled a sigh "the relationship with her ex didn't end well. It's not my story to tell. You ought to ask her yourself or wait till she opens up."

Naomi looked troubled and I didn't want to push her further. She just stared at her drink. She's always the happy one. What actually happened?

"Hey Naomi mind if I take you out for dinner?" Hailey diffusing the tension in the room. Or adding to it? How could someone be so bold and just asked like that. Hailey definitely is another breed.

Naomi smiled widely "Why not? Everyone want to take a bite of this beauty." Then turned to me, eyeing me "Well almost everyone."

That's not fair. It shouldn't be that easy. Well maybe they were just wild and crazy enough. I just excused myself and went back home. I couldn't stay here any longer. When I reached home, I wasn't ready to confess my feelings just yet. Another day, another day wouldn't hurt.

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