Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Ezri's POV

As we entered the pub, loud music was already pounding my ear drums. I could see Hailey and Mia cheerily waving directly at us. They had already reserved a private table, and we made our way towards them. I gestured Cameron to walk ahead of me, and I followed behind her. The club was already packed with people now, and more will come pouring in soon after.

When we reached the table, I could see they had already started. A bottle of Martini was already opened and chilled in a pail of ice. Hailey pulled Cameron into a hug "Happy birthday! I love your dress!" I could hear Hailey screaming over the deafening music. Cameron then moved on to hug Mia and they exchanged a few whispers. Finally she made her way towards Max. Max embraced her and I didn't want to witness what was going to happen next so I walked towards the bar.

I couldn't resist it, I turned around for a second seeing what they all were doing. Cameron was nowhere to be found anymore and Max was sitting there alone. Staring at me? He was giving me a 'jealous stare'. I couldn't put my finger on it. Why was he looking at me?

I just ignored him and ordered whiskey on the rocks. While I was sipping on my drink, I felt a hand over my shoulder "Why are you here alone?" I turned around and Hailey was already taking a seat beside me. I just shrugged my shoulder and took another sip of my drink.

Hailey's hand was on my thigh now and she leaned into my ear "Jealous about Max and Cameron?" as she retreated back into her seat, she gave me a look saying she knew it all. I just raised my glass and swirled it around. Didn't want to admit to the fact that I was really jealous, heartbroken and all of those.

The music finally toned down "You know Cameron turned Max down right? Because she likes you." Her last comment made me look at her. I raised an eyebrow "You must be joking." I didn't believe her but my feelings were already giving in.

The DJ is back and music started to blast in the club again. Hailey got off her seat and suddenly came awfully close to me and started dancing. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Proving a point." She started moving her hair side to side and started to move her hips on my lap, practically giving me a lap dance. I just sat there keeping my hands well away from her body. Then her hand tugged on my chin and she moved her face closer to mine. Suddenly she turned my head slightly to the right. That's when I saw Cameron. She was giving me a death glare. Like she was about to brexit my head off my shoulder. She just turned around and walked back to Mia.

"I've told you so." I could feel Hailey smiling while she whispered those words in my ear. I didn't even need to turn around to know it. A second later, Hailey was already off me and walking back towards their private table.

After ordering tequila shots for our table, I made my way back too. Was Cameron really not with Max? Did she really like me? Or was this all a joke that they were playing at? More intrusive thoughts started to form.

When the shots arrived, all of them were throwing their head back. Tilting back shots after shots. They danced to the beat and when I saw the drunk state that they were in. I slowed down, didn't want to get too drunk. I still had to drive Cameron back home in one piece. From dancing on the podium, they slowly made their way to dance with the crowd. My eyes were glued to Cameron, it never left even for a second.

More and more men started to gather around Cameron. She didn't seem to care but all of them were staring at her like she's going to be their next meal. I wanted to crawl out their perverted eyes so badly. Each and every one of them. I felt my blood starting to boil. I did the only thing I could think of, I stepped onto the dance floor. Placing myself in between her and them.

Cameron slowly started to move closer to me. Swaying her hips side to side while grinning against me. Her bare skin was glistening under the flashing lights. My breath rapidly increased and my heart was going 60 miles per hour now. I stood there frozen still and I kept my hands to myself. Her hands are on my thigh, slowly moving up. Before she could do any further damage, I grabbed her hip to steady her "I think it's time to head home." I said in her ear. She rested her head against my chest and nodded in agreement.

I placed my hand on her hip to secure her and went to Hailey "We're heading home. Any of you need a ride?"

Mia was the one who answered "It's fine. I could take care of Hailey." Hailey was already waving her arms around, she looked drunk as well. Before I left I could see Hailey wink and mouthed 'you're welcome'.

With one hand on her waist and another on her arm, I guided her towards the exit. The valet had already prepared the car at the main entrance. He helped open the passenger seat. I drove the Bentley Batur 2023. Slowly assisting Cameron into the car, I instantly realised how hard it is to settle a drunk 5'8 human into a car.

I whispered underneath my breath "Cam work with me now." I made sure not to bump her head against the door and ended up hitting it with my own head. I could already feel the throbbing pain, but I ignored it.

Once she's finally in the car. "Cam I need you to wear your seatbelt." She just stared at me and still no response from her. I pulled the seatbelt and buckled it for her. When I was still trying to fix her seatbelt, all of a sudden moved her whole body forward and I felt her lips on my cheek. I froze again, I believe it was quiet enough to hear my heart beat echo in the car. Instantly feeling the heat rose, my breath was getting hotter as I exhale.

I pulled back and inclined the seat so she would be more comfortable. I closed the door and made my way to the driver's seat. Repeating the words in my head 'she's drunk, she's drunk, she didn't mean it' like a mantra.

When I got into the car she still stared at me. At this point if her stare could burr a hole into my skull, it certainly already did. It wasn't those 'I'll kill you' stare but it's more to admiration and a mixture of loss kind of stare. I couldn't put my finger on it.

I reached out to shift the gear and she suddenly grabbed hold onto my hand, refusing to let go. At this point, I'm going to have hypertension. I drove the whole way home with one hand on the steering wheel and the other being held hostage by Cameron.


AN: I would like to apologise in advance for what is about to happen...  

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