Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Ezri's POV

As I drove past the familiar junction that was once lit with light 24/7, I turned my steering wheel. It was my old house, our house. I slow down as I see the overgrown grass and plants that are intertwining the gates.

I tried my old remote for the gate, it worked. It gave out a few old clinking and clanking sounds before finally starting to move.

When I made it to the front door, I still remember how Walter would always greet me at the door. Cameron would be inside waiting for me to have dinner together.

After a long day of work, she would always greet me with a hug. I made my way up the stairs, there were over 15 pictures now on the once blank white wall. We looked so happy. I place my hand on one of Cameron's pictures, wishing I was really touching and holding her.

As I made my way down the hall to the bedroom, it was all covered in plastics and covered with dust. Obviously untouched for months now. I still remember how we used to cuddle for hours. Lying in each other embrace without saying a word, for that short moment there we didn't have a worry in the world.

Cameron POV

I rushed to the old house. Listening to Naomi's advice that Ezri might be there. Even if I had to wait there for a thousand more years I would.

My heart started to pound so rapidly. Ezri really was alive, my love was alive. As I drove closer to the house, a white sedan drove out of the junction. It wasn't right, no one was supposed to go there. Walter and Maria no longer go to the house, they used to keep it in good shape when I first moved out. But after a while, I told them there was no point so people just seemed to stop caring about the house.

People also didn't usually make the wrong turn here as it was a secluded area. It must be Ezri, it couldn't be anyone else. I trailed her car from behind, making sure not to lose her. After a while, I realised where she was headed towards the penthouse. Did she live nearby?

All along had she been secretly watching over me? Was that why during the near call accident, she was there? The aching in my heart worsen, she told me to forget about her but she was the one who couldn't stay away. That shouldn't be how things work. Why couldn't she find me?

So lost in my thoughts, I lost her. Dammit I lost her car but I'm sure she must be nearby if she was keeping tabs on me. I went home to park my car and headed out to the street immediately. She must be nearby. Where would Ezri Wallace go?

After contemplating for a while, I'm confident she must be at a bar. She's always there when she's upset. I set foot at the closest bar. I'd never been to one of the bars before it's just wasn't my thing. Unless Mia and Hailey decided to drag me to one.

The first bar, there was no sign of her. The second one, no luck as well. Did I really just lose her. I was about to give up when I saw a tinny alleyway that had a small open sign. No harm peeking in for a bit right. I braced myself and walked towards the sign. It was small and tucked away from the bustling street.

There were no more than a handful of people in there. Most of them were already halfway drunk or drinking their sorrow away.

I was just about to leave when I someone strung the guitar and sang. It was the voice that I'd been searching.

"Dear God, do you see my love for her

Why do you have to break apart two souls that love each other

Dear God, please don't secretly tell her

In these countless nights, someone is thinking about her

Please take care of her in the days to come

Don't bully her when I'm not by her side

Stop letting people walk into her heart

Only to end up leaving her

Because I never want to see her cry again

Dear God, are you secretly amused by watching me struggle

You knew I couldn't protect her

Yet you still let us meet each other

Dear God, is her insomnia gone now?

Let a gush of wind embrace her on my behalf

I hope my effort would touch her

I hope one day I'll be able to give her a home

But if you've already arranged someone else for her

She'll have my blessing

Dear God, you don't have to worry about me

Let her be happy first

Dear God, everything I've told you these nights

Don't you accidentally tell her

I'm afraid that it might wake her up

Dear God, please don't secretly tell her

In these countless nights, I'm always thinking about her"

-Firdaus- Gulf of Alaska (lyrics may be a bit off because it's not an English song)

I moved closer to the stage, as she sang her last note our eyes met. It felt like the world stopped for a second and my eyes couldn't believe. It really was my Ezri was right in front of me. She quickly placed the guitar on the chair and ran towards the back exit. I quickened my pace unwilling to lose her again but she was gone. It felt like the universe was playing a joke on me. Was I delusional?

I quickly followed her but when I made it out of the door. There was no sign of her in the alleyway. Only a few drunk blokes right around the corner hoping for a score. As the approach my direction. "hey what a pretty thing like you doing here?"

"yeah. Come play with us." another guy said as he laughed out loud.

I tried to open the door again but I couldn't. It had an automated lock. Shit. I stumbled a few steps back, then I was met with a wall. It was a dead end.

As they approached nearer, one of them grabbed me from behind. I remembered what Ezri taught me and I executed it with perfection. I managed to free myself but the only problem left was that was for one guy not three. His friends stepped up and cornered me. My back was already flat against the wall and I had my heart in my mouth. If I could sink into the wall I would have.

Suddenly a familiar figure was standing behind them "GET YOUR FUCKING ASS AWAY FROM HER" It was Ezri. My heart finally felt like it was starting to beat again. Ezri, my Ezri. She immediately pulled the guy away from me. Now she's standing between me and them.

They tried to pull her away from me but she was just too quick for them. Then they started to throw punches at each other. Ezri knew what she was doing and she was good at it. From afar I saw one of the guys took a glass bottle and hit her leg. It broke and he plunged the sharp end of it into her leg. She didn't seem bothered and her expression remained calm.

I gasped and I could feel tears starting to pour out again. I didn't want to see her getting hurt again. The guys all scrambled when they knew there's no way to defeat her. Rain started to pour down. Ezri immediately rushed to my side and took her jacket to place it on me and she pulled the hoodie up as well.

I felt a pair of hands cupping my face "You're alright?" worry was written all over her face. Those eyes that I missed so much were now staring straight at me. Like it's trying to read my soul. "Why can't I leave you alone for one second." Ezri muttered under her breath.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in "You're alive." I whispered beside her. Her warmth, her scent, all of her hit me all at once. My whole body was shaking. I'm not sure whether it's because I was sobbing or it was cold.

"You're shivering. Let's get you home." Ezri took my arm as she led the way. 

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