Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Third's POV

Naomi carried Cameron towards the SUV. Ezri's scream and gasp rang throughout the warehouse. Naomi couldn't fight back tears anymore. She was really leaving Ezri. Naomi turned around one last time gun shots were fired and Ezri's body lay there lifeless. Blood started to ooze out of her cavity. Naomi's breath caught and she ran back to the car. Shoving Cameron in, the driver began to drive away.

"No, no, no. You can't leave her behind." Cameron shouted frantically. Trying to pull the door open, it was impossible. The child lock was flipped.

As Cameron looked at Naomi for help, she just shook her head. "I'm sorry" Naomi spoke. Outside more cars flew passed the opposite direction, heading towards the warehouse. Cameron's body couldn't hang on any longer and she passed out.

Naomi began to sob. "Ezri, I'm sorry" she said between sobs. She couldn't believe what just happened. Some parts of Naomi believed that there was still hope to rescue Ezri. She still wanted to hold onto hope, but seeing the way Ezri's body lay and the gunshots that were fired towards her. She lost it.

They immediately rushed Cameron to the hospital. Get her checked up and IV lines were set in. She was administered with vitamin B, given she starved herself the past two days.

When she was held hostage, no harm was brought upon her and they even gave her food. She refused everything. Ezri was right all along, they wanted Ezri to begin with. Cameron was just the bait.

Few days later, Cameron was already discharged from the hospital. As the nights went by, she couldn't seem to sleep. Lying there alone, without Ezri by her side. She was not used to the large empty bed. She cried all day long. Looking at the pictures that were already filling the walls. Praying to whatever God, hoping one of them answered her prayer. She didn't even know if she believed they existed. All she wanted was for Ezri to be home.

After a few days of radio silence, in Naomi's office

Cameron's POV

"E asked me to pass this to you." Naomi said handing over a file. I couldn't wrap my head around it "She stated in her will if anything were to befall her. You will inherit..." Naomi paused and took a deep breath "She left you some of her things. The house and shares. She would want you to live your life and move on."

Naomi looked down at her feet. What was she yapping about. "What are you talking about. NO!" I shouted "She's alive, you can't give up on her. Unless you found..." I gasped and fell back onto the couch. Tears started to stream down.

"No there is still no news about her. Everyone is trying their best to find her." Another pause from Naomi. She sighed "her body."

I couldn't believe what she just said "NO! She's alive! I believe she's out there." From shouting it slowly turned into a whisper of prayer.

"I saw them shot her Cam. I saw it. She couldn't have made it. She would have wanted you to let her go." Naomi's eyes filled with tears. She quickly wiped them away.

"There's also something else." she placed the thumb drive on the file. "She said this would explain things." My world spun out of focus. "Go home Cam, go home. Don't come here if it's not necessary. If anything were to happen to you, E would never forgive me." Naomi pulled me into her embrace. I couldn't respond. No Ezri can't be dead. I didn't have the energy to fight back.

My feet brought me back home. My mind wasn't working anymore. I just continue to lay in bed holding onto Ezri's pillow. Hoping that it was her. 'I love you Ezri. Come back to me please.' I whispered to the pillow.

I forced myself out of bed, headed towards the office and plugged in the thumb drive. There is just one file. There was a video. When I clicked on it, it was Ezri. My Ezri.

"Hey Love. If you got this recording, it means you're safe." She forced a smile. Through her eyes, I could see she's been crying for hours. Bloodshot red eyes and there were swollen as well. I knew I was not far better off than her.

"I'm sorry I got you into this trouble. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I could see that she was blaming herself. She shook her head and stared at her feet.

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep my words as I promised. I'm sorry that I had to leave you behind. I will not be able to protect you anymore." Tears started to fill the corner of my eyes. No she can't be saying things like this. She's still alive.

"Just believe that I'm somewhere out there. Like Hawaii" She chuckled "Enjoying a glass of champagne and looking at a phenomenal view." She smiled through the screen "with a smile plastered on my face." I couldn't hold it back anymore, I let out a weep. My heart shattered like glass.

She tried to use a cheerful voice "Hey don't be sad for too long, I want you to be happy. Find someone that can make you happy, hold you when you're sad and" her tone became serious "won't let you into dangerous situation anymore."

"Make sure to see through them before saying forever" She said with a matter of fact voice. A long pause and she stared out of the window before taking in a deep breath and continued to stare into the camera. "Remember to be happy." Taking another breath in, Ezri stared up at the ceiling, trying to hold back tears. Her breath was shaky and it felt like she was staring right at me "and forget about me." Her voice cracked as she said those words. Immediately the clip went dark.

My whole world crashed. My palm immediately covered my mouth, my lower jaw trembled every time a breath escaped. Bursting into tears, I felt like everything didn't matter anymore. My heart couldn't stand it. What did she said. How dare she ask me to forget her. The audacity she had asking me to forget about all this. I continued to weep and with each snivel, my body just felt heavier and heavier. Reality setting in. My body shook in disbelief.

Flashback (The day Ezri made the recording)

Ezri's POV

"and forget about me" I heard the hoarseness in my own voice. I quickly stopped the recording, and a whimper escape. "I'm sorry." I whispered. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. My heart felt like someone was slashing a knife on it. "I love you, I love you." I said in between sobs, knowing very well these words would never reach her. My hand formed into a fist and I kept slamming it down on my thigh. It would be easier for her to let me go that way. She should find someone better than me. Maybe being with her was a mistake, if it weren't for me she wouldn't be in this situation. 'I love you Cameron, I'll do everything to bring you back safely.' I thought to myself.


AN:  Remember in Chapter 32, I said

" A few more chapters left before we say goodbye ...."

" A few more chapters left before we say goodbye Ezri"

I'm sorry. 

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