Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ezri's POV

"All done! Keep it dry if you can, and just come by my place after taking a shower. I'll help to put a new bandage on. Don't try to protest." I said while I was inspecting my work.

"Come let's go shopping. We could get you some clothes, essentials and snacks if you like. I need to get some things as well." My legs were asleep from sitting on the floor for too long. Then I saw a hand in front of me, I must be struggling hard until Cameron held her hand out to help me.

"Thanks" I grabbed her hand, an attempts to pull myself up she suddenly fell forward but I managed to catch her. Both of us fell to the couch, and she was on me. I gasped as my breath caught at my throat.

Our face was so close, those lips I wanted to taste them again. The desire is so strong. I could see her face turning as red as a tomato. My heart is pounding so hard, I could feel it pulsating in my head.

She pushed off the couch and stood up while fixing her hair "sorry.." I had to bury whatever feelings that are surfacing.

"I guess we got to feed you more huh? And quit saying sorry." I smirked and pushed myself off the couch. "I'll get my bag then we can leave." I moved out of the room as fast as I could. The shyness that I felt was overloading, I needed to get out here before I broke my cool.

Cameron's POV

Ezri wore a simple black button-down with two buttons undone and a simple black legging. I didn't have many clothing options, I threw on a plain t-shirt on and black shorts.

I couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous woman who is right in front of me right now. I was enchanted until I didn't realise my feet were glued to the ground.

"Are you coming?" she voice out while grinning. Those dimples could melt anyone's heart just by looking at them. Snapping back to reality, I took a little stumble forward. I could hear Ezri chuckle.

Uttering a silent prayer to whatever God out there praying so that my feet would work, please work at least for today.

"Andrew take us to the department store. The usual one." Ezri spoke to the chauffeur before sinking into her seat.

"Yes ma'am." A deep voice answered and the car started moving.

The whole car ride was silent. None of us breathe out a word. Ezri did try to make small talk but none of them lasted very long. I continued to stare out the window from the passenger seat.

Everything is clearer now. There are a lot of people, all of them seems to have their life on track. Surrounding us are tall glass buildings, I've never been to this part of town before. Could never afford things here so I just never seem to step foot in this area.

"What's your favourite colour Cam?" Ezri eyes lit up with curiosity. When I turned to face her, she was already staring at me. God knows how long has she been doing that.

"Erm... I've never really thought about it really. Black looks elegant." Honestly, I've never thought of what my favourite colour was before this.

"Yea it does look elegant doesn't it." Answering before she looked straight ahead as we were approaching the mall entrance heading to the valet.

"What's yours?" I asked as the car came to a stop.

The chauffeur pressed a button and both our doors begin to slide open. "Coincidentally it's black as well." She answered with a warm smile.

"Why?" curiosity filled me or maybe because I just wanted to maintain the conversation a little longer.

"If I bleed, people won't be able to see it. It won't make the people I care worry about me." Her voice was soft, maybe hoping that I didn't hear her last comment because she stepped out of the car, didn't wait for a response.

That felt cold, as shivers ran down my spine but at the same time there was this aching feeling in my heart. I wanted so much to just hold her in my arms, to comfort her. I don't know what she had been through to make her say things like that.

Staring at her from behind, I wondered what kind of person she was. I saw how she interacted with people back in the brothel, she was cold and everyone seemed to be scared of her. They looked at her like she was a monster.

At home she was sweet, caring and she treated Walter and Maria with so much respect. They even sat together to have breakfast. Who sits together with their housekeepers to enjoy a meal together? She's like a pandora box, I just couldn't resist to open it. What consequences would it bring then?

First we went to a lingerie shop, she asked the professionals to get my measurements. "Get a few of underwear, comfortable ones, the ones you like. Have your pick." she surveyed shop.

After making one big loop around the shop "I'll head out a bit. Go pick anything you want, try them on. Whatever you feel that is suitable, put them on the counter. Wait for me to come back okay?" she gave me the child talk before disappearing into the crowd.

After my measurement was taken, I was handed so many different types and patterns of bra. I tried on each and every one of them. After I was done, I never knew it could be so exhausting. I set aside the ones that were comfortable, there were at least 10 bras in there.

I didn't know how to choose, so I just stared at them. I didn't want to spend her money, I felt bad. She didn't need to be responsible for me, we weren't even related. Why was she doing this?

I was deep in my thoughts, when I saw a black iPhone being waved at my face.

"Earth to Cam, earth to Cam" Ezri smiling widely with those pearly teeth.

"Here, this is yours. It would be easier to communicate with you this way. I have my number and Andrew's number saved in there. If you ever need anything, just hit me up. Did you pick out anything good? There are other stores we could check out." Still smiling as she handed me the phone.

My eyes widened, still processing everything that had happened. "It's.." I cleared my throat "it's mine? I couldn't afford any of these, I can't accept this." While pushing the phone back to Ezri.

She took my hand and placed the phone in my hand "It's okay, don't worry about it. You are now my responsibility, I'm the one who got you out of that shit hole anyways. You got to start somewhere right? Just imagine me as your sugar mummy." She teased and winked at me. 

One of the employees overheard our conversation and decided to chime in "Could I be your sugar baby too?"

"uhm no, that position is full now." she said while still staring at me. That sentence was enough to make my face flush red.

"Harsh." She rolled her eyes and walked away. Not going to lie, that filled me with satisfaction seeing how fast she was rejected.

"So anything you like?" she continued on while she scanned through the couch that was filled with bras.

"Erm, all of these are comfortable, but I don't know how to choose. Maybe you could help pick a few of them out? I didn't want to spend your money recklessly." As I said those words, her cheek immediately turned pink and she just moved towards the counter.

"Wrap all of them up for me and find matching panties for those as well." Ezri told the person at the cash register while handing them her card.

Ezri finally turned and faced me "Don't worry about money. Even if you decide to buy the whole mall today, I'll still be able to feed you for the rest of your life." Smirking while she pulled me to the next store.

When we finally reach the car, the trunk is already full to the brink. We barely managed to close it. Ezri could really shop. Even though it's all my things, she was the one who mostly went 'let's get it', 'it looks good on you, put it in the cart', or just directly bought it.

We bought things like pyjama, casual clothing, formal clothing and basic necessities such as skin care, and soap all the things that I lacked.

As the car started moving, my eyelids immediately felt so heavy. I tried to fight the tiredness but I just couldn't and dozed off.

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