Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ezri's POV

Why did the phone have to ring at this second! I couldn't help but sigh internally. As I stepped away from the tense and a little awkward atmosphere. Somehow the phone call may have diffused a bomb of emotions that may have escaped.

When I glanced at my phone it was from my father. He never called unless it was something important or urgent. We didn't have the typical father and daughter relationship. Not when your father was a tyrant who always secretly wished he had a son instead of a daughter. He didn't really keep it a secret. That was why from a young age, I've learnt to toughen up and didn't grow up playing doll houses or barbie.

I walked to the garden that was on the other side of the property, to make sure that I was far away from concerned ears. Walter and Maria are always worried when I get a phone call from my father. The last time it happened, let's say it didn't end well. I came back bruised and bloodied. I still had a scar that would serve as a reminder.

I took a deep breath before I slid the answer button "Hello father." I spoke coldly. He never liked it when I spoke softly, he called it weak.

"I heard what you did last night. What do you think you're doing? Don't you have enough whore already that are lining up at your front door? You've made a scene as well." His voice was groggy because of his facial paralysis from his stroke years ago. However, I still could hear the annoyance in his voice.

"I know what I'm doing. It doesn't need to post a concern to you. No, she is not a whore, she has a name." my voice got louder with each word as anger surged in me.

Even though I couldn't see it, I knew that he'd be smirking right now. It seems to bring enjoyment to him whenever he gets on my nerves, guess he's just getting old and doing this seems to be like an entertainment for him. "I hope you know what you are doing. Don't do anything that will jeopardise the business. Go play with your pet."

"I told you. She has a name and her name is CAMERON!" I yelled through the phone. This is why I wanted to get away from the house. Phone calls with him never end well, even one as short as this could end badly.

"Ez darling. Just ignore your father. He's in one of his moods again, doctors told him to limit his calories." My mother's calm voice came through the phone. Despite having a bad relationship with my father, mother always stood by my side. She has always protects me when she could. That night that I got the scar, she was the one who saved me. If it had gone my father's way, let's say it would have ended much worse.

"Hi mother, how are you?" my voice softened a bit, hearing her voice.

"I'm fine darling. Just do whatever you want, your father has no control over you anymore." As she said it, I could hear my father's faint voice saying something in the background.

"I know mother." I answered.

"Listen, I don't care who the girl is. I just want you to move on and be happy..." Before she could continue on further.

"No mother, it's not like that. Last night if I just left her there, she would've gotten killed." I managed to cut her off before she went on with her babbles. I know she meant well but I just didn't want to have a conversation about that.

"If you say so. I got to go, it's time for your father's physio. I love you darling." She hung up before I could respond. I guess my father was really agitated. She stayed devoted to her husband for all these years, even after his stroke.

He may have treated me like shit but he was good to my mother. I would even say he love her but he never displayed any affectionate feelings when they were in front of me. But I could still tell that he treated her with respect. I would say that was one good thing I learnt from him. He didn't show his love for me but I know he cared for his family including me surprisingly and he would do anything and everything in his power to protect us.

Trying to ignore my mother's comment as I walked back into the house. Looking at my phone, it has already been more than half an hour. They should be done with the house tour, I wonder where Cameron would be right now.

I took the scenic route instead of the shortcut that I'd used earlier on. There was no sight of Cameron as I passed by the garden, the pool even the porch was empty. I searched the whole ground floor, it was still empty. Maybe she left already, I did say she could leave. My heart felt heavy, it's quite saddening to know she would've just left without saying goodbye.

"What are you doing Ezri Wallace" I muttered under my breath. I made my way to my office, when I saw a pair of milky white legs swinging off the side of the leather couch in the library. I couldn't help it but a smile was forming on my lips. She stayed, she didn't leave.

Her face was buried in the book and she didn't even notice when I walked in. Before I called out, I saw there were scrape wounds on her elbow. I didn't notice it last night, I should have been more observant. I've made a mental note to myself.

I went to my office to get the medical kit. I always stored one in my office because getting injured was a normal thing either from training or dealing with business.

"Cam" She jumped up as I called, the book in her hand fell to her lap. She quickly stood up and fixed her shirt.

"Sorry I should have asked permission before touching your stuff. Here." She handed me the book.

"Ahh this is a good one. You can use anything in this house, no need to ask for permission or any formality in that matter. If you don't use it, the only thing it does in here is collect years' worth of dust." I said as I observed the book. It's been a while since I've read, been too caught up with the real world I guess.

I took her arm and motioned her to sit. I sat on the floor beside her and opened the medical kit. "You've got to be more careful, or at least tell someone if you got injured. I'm going to apply some antiseptic, it may sting a bit. Just grab onto my arm if it hurts okay?"

I gently applied the antiseptic, she winched in pain but didn't make a sound or move. "I didn't realise that I was injured until this morning...." she suddenly stopped talking as I blew on her wound to dry out the antiseptic before bandaging it.

I took a peek, and she was already blushing. Maybe the light is playing tricks on my eyes. She did look cute, the wave of her jet-black hair, those hazel eyes and rosy cheeks. I felt my own cheeks getting warm, so I shifted my focus back to the task at hand. Trying to hide my own flustered feeling. 

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