Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ezri's POV

Cameron and Max were so endorsed in a conversation. When I saw the drink that Max had brought over, it had a heart shape cafe art on it. I already know what it meant or what she meant to him. A knot formed in my stomach, I wanted so much to tell him to just back off but I am no one, no one to her. Maybe this is way was better, maybe she's interested in him as well. I had no right to interfere in her relationship. Feeling like I'm not welcomed anymore, I stood up. Cameron eyes directly searched mine.

I gave her small smile "I have to go. More meeting." Slowly stepping out of seat, I added "If you're in trouble or anything just give me a call okay." Giving everyone a nod, before walking out the door "I'll see you tonight." Cameron voiced out. I give her another small smile and just left.

When I made it back to my office, there is another half an hour before meeting resume. Naomi is already behind me as I entered my room.

"That was a quick one, I thought you were going to be late." She is still chewing and holding her sandwich in her hand when she said it.

I just stared out of the window, that had direct view of the river. I needed to clear my head. I keep convincing myself this is a good thing, being with someone else is better than being with me. At least she's safe.

"Come on E spill. You should be happy not acting like this after meeting Cam." Naomi can tell something was off.

I let out yet another long sigh. I know she wouldn't let it go unless I told her what happen. "Did you even went to see her?" Now she is sitting on the desk in front of me, obstructing my view.

I ran my hand through my hair "I did. Everything was okay then Max.." I told her everything about what happened.

"Hah, so you are jealous. Why don't you just admit that you feel something for her! Just tell her how you feel already!" Naomi basically shouted mid-sentence.

I walked towards the couch and buried my face in my hands. "You know being with me is not safe. It's never a good idea to be with someone like me." My heart felt heavy, like a huge boulder was on it.

I could feel Naomi's hand on my shoulder now "What happened with Amelia was an accident. Even though being who you are, you deserve to be happy as well."

Maybe she was right "Let things run their course. Who knows Cam likes the guy and not me. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." I stood up and tried to sound more enthusiastic "Enough about me, we have a company to run." Walking to my desk, flipping through the files trying to forget about everything else.

After few more hours of meetings

It was already getting dark, I could see the last ray of sunlight slowly disappearing. We still had a few more departments to run through. Another late night in the office then. Halfway through the meeting, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Then I remember, I skipped lunch. At first, I wanted to have lunch with Cameron but I was too caught up with my emotions that I totally let it slip my mind. At this rate, dinner wouldn't be an option as well.

When everything finally ended, I already felt a little light headed. Everyone had left at this point. Silence enveloped the room, and unwanted emotions started to rise again. I leaned back into my chair, questioning all of my decisions.

I could hear footsteps outside of the conference room, must be Naomi. She opened the door "I know I've said you shouldn't but want to grab a drink?"

With whatever strength left I nodded. I grabbed my coat and we headed to the nearest bar. It was a Monday night, the bar was empty. Only a handful of people were there, it was quiet. Which meant Naomi is going to start talking.

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