Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Cameron's POV

I've been taking driving classes every weekend now. It wasn't as complicated as I anticipated it to be and I've got a hang of it. Maybe after a few more classes, I'll be ready to take the test. Finally, today was one of those lazy days that I didn't have any classes, driving lessons or work. Hailey, Mia and I have made plans to meet at the nearby park to have picnic together.

We've agreed to all bring something simple for a picnic lunch. This morning when I went into the kitchen to prepare sandwiches. We almost had a food fight. Since Maria kept on insisting she should do it but I wanted to prepare it myself to show my sincerity to my friends. She finally let in and let it do it myself. I know she meant well and just wanted to help.

When Maria left, Ezri entered the kitchen and sat on the counter top with her legs swinging over the counter "What are you making?"

"Sandwiches. I'm having a picnic with Hailey and Mia." I answered while putting on the toppings on a piece of bread.

Ezri reached out to steal a slice of cucumber and I quickly slapped her hand "Not yet." She pulled back her hand and gently rubbed on it. Like I hit her so badly.

"So you could handle a blade to your back but not a little girl's slap?" I teased her while carefully placing another piece of bread on top of the toppings. "Here have a bite of this." Giving her the piece of sandwich that I just made.

Ezri took a big bite out of the sandwich and her face lit up "This tastes amazing." She said it with her mouthful, I barely made out the words.

I quickly turned around and started preparing the next sandwich. I felt my face flushed red and I let out a soft giggle. She always had her ways to make me laugh. The thought made my heart skip a beat.

After she was done eating, she jumped off the counter. I could feel her breath behind my shoulder. I could feel shivers course through my body, I didn't dare to turn around. Scared that I would only be inches away from her face, if I did turn around.

Then she quickly grabbed a sandwich and ran away. "Ezzzzzzz!!!!!" I could already hear her footsteps running down the hallway. I just shook my head and smiled to myself. She could be so childish sometimes. It's good to see her being herself, letting her guard down.

At the park, we started to set up the mat and lay out our food. Mia started to arrange everything and took some aesthetic photos. Everyone settled down on the mat and started munching on their food.

We talked over not so serious topic then I just blurted out "I think you guys were right." Hailey flipped her hair "We are always right." Blowing a kiss.

"About what" Mia looked at me with a curious expression. I bit the bottom of my lip feeling a little bit embarrassed " Max and the way he's been acting." Max has been acting up more than usual now. He started to insist let me do more light work such as sweeping and clearing out the cash register. Moreover, he kept on insisting on giving me a ride home and almost insisted on sending me up to my door step. I had already refused him numerous times, I don't know how long till I run out of excuses.

"You finally caught on?! You're slow girl." Hailey suddenly sat up from her laying state.

Feeling flustered so I blurt out "But I don't see him that way okay." Trying to explain myself "I only see him as an older brother." Running my hands through my hair while yanking at it, hoping not to pull out too much of it.

"Cam, you should tell him how you really feel. Before he's lead on by his own feelings." Mia said with a serious tone. I slowly looked up and face her "There's a possibility we're overthinking right?" still hoping that we could avoid facing this awkward situation.

Mia let out a small sigh "Chances are slim Cam." Knowing very well that Mia is always right, she is always the most sensible one among us.

Hailey said out of nowhere "So the person you like is Ezri? We all saw how you looked at her and how your eyes lit up when you saw her." A playful smile started to crawl on her lips.

I couldn't help but smack her on the shoulder "Don't sprout nonsense Hailey!" trying to hide my embarrassment, but I'm pretty sure my face said it all when she continued "Come on Cam, don't hide your feelings from us."

I took deep breath trying to steady my turmoil thoughts "I don't know. Maybe I do? I never really had feelings for a girl before. But it could be maybe I see her as someone who I am in debt with. My rescuer." I stared out at the field, watching how couples were walking hand in hand. Longing that one day that could be us.

When I got home, I had dinner with Ezri, Walter and Maria. Then Ezri retreated into her studies, but she didn't shut the door this time. I followed her upstairs, and stayed in the library while doing my own work.

I've accumulated all my weekly tips since the first week I started working. I didn't want to hand them over to Ezri every week scared it would be quite troublesome so I've decided to gather them first and give them to Ezri every few weeks.

I knocked on her door, and just stepped inside without waiting for her permission. She was still in her work attire, today it's a beige slacks with a white top. She looked up from her papers and gave me a tentative smile.

I handed over the envelope "Here are my weekly tips since I started working." Over out with both of my hands hoping she wouldn't reject it.

She took the envelope "If you're giving me all of your hard-earned money, what if you need to buy something or treat yourself to something. What will you use?" she looked at the envelope and then back to me. Tilting her head slightly to look me in the eyes because as usual I was staring at the floor.

"You've already got me the clothes on my back, a roof over my head, and provided me with food. What more do I need?" mustering up the courage to meet her eyes. "Don't worry I've saved some money as well." Giving her a smile so she wouldn't feel so bad from accepting the money.

She just nodded and continued on her work. She must be tired because usually she would stand her ground rather than act in defeat. I continued to do my homework outside, sitting directly in front of her office, so I could get a good view of her.

Occasionally, I would sneak a glance or two. Even with her eyebrows stitched together sometimes, she still looks like a goddess. Maybe getting a direct view of her wasn't such a good idea. There were countless of occasions that I had to reread the sentences more than twice, she's so distracting.

I headed downstairs, prepared tea and brought up some snacks for her. We both worked silently but at least with each other's present.

When I was finally done with my work, I realised Ezri wasn't sitting on her desk anymore. I made my way to her office to check on her. When I peeked into the office, she was already asleep on the couch.

Her glasses were still on and a file propped open over her chest. One of her legs was swinging off the couch. I smile at how even when she's sleeping she could look this good. I switched off the main light, only leaving a lamp on. Casting a dim light around the room, enough for me to make my way around.

I quietly tiptoed to the couch, slowly removing her glasses and the file. Carefully lifted her leg so that both legs were on the couch. I placed the throw over her and tucked her in. When I looked at her, there were strands of rogue hair over her eyes. I gently tucking them to the side, and without thinking I kissed her forehead. I quickly pulled back, shocked by my own action.

I turned around ready to leave, then I felt someone grab my wrist. "One more?" it was Ezri. Her voice was husky and tired. My nose started to flare and I bit my bottom lip. She wasn't asleep yet? Did I wake her up? I could feel my body started to heat up and my pulse started to race. I did what was asked, I leaned in and gave her another peck on her cheek this time.

I soft smile formed on Ezri's face and before I could ask her to sleep in the room, instead of in the office. Sleep had already consumed her.

I switched off the lamp and gently closed the door behind me. Then headed my way back to my room. 

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