Sick Bot

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(A/N Nope Nova isn't going to be on this one. Only Piper and my best part, Bulkhead. One of Optimus team is back!!!)

It was a peaceful day, Nova had to take a leave due to an important meeting from Fowler for no reason. Bee was disappointed that he wants to know what the project was. Piper was assisting Denny and Russell in carrying lots of junk....I mean antiques.

Denny was sweeping the floor and saw the vintage pond duck which was not damage from the attacks. Russell walks over as Denny placed the ducks on his arm.

Denny said cheerfully, "Dandy to be back home."

Piper said, lifting the wheel, "Yeah I can see why your happy." as she placed it with the other piles.

Russell said, carrying the metal ducks, "Yeah, a blast and a half. Actually, it is nice to be back.
I mean, sleeping in a cave with no running water, Internet, or TV? That's crazy."

Piper added, "tell me about it. It was a hard."

"Sure is, Almost as crazy as talking to big, metal ducks." Russell stated until they noticed the shadow loomed over them as they looked up to see something or rather.....somebot swoop down at them

Russell and Piper screamed when Bee jumps in and thrust the Winged-Decepticon onto the pile. 
"Russell! Piper! Get to the Command Center." Denny shouted as they head over to the alchemor, dropping the metal ducks.

The Decepticon took flight which Strongarm tried to shoot it but missed. 

Bee said, "Wasn't the defense system supposed to be back online?"

 "I temporarily deactivated it to run diagnostics." Fixit stated. Piper looked up to see the Decepticon was about swoop down again, only this time it releases a noxious-looking green gas, covering Bee, Sideswipe and Strongarm, who start to malfunction. She put up a barrier around Denny and Russell for protection.

Sideswipe said, "What the zotz is this stuff?"

FIXIT replied, "Unidentified nano-particles. Data indicates no danger to humans, but effects on Cybertronians unknown."

Decepticon manages to grab some of the Energon but Grimlock holds her at bay long enough for Fixit to get the defenses back online and she's forced to flee. Everything is alright except the autobots didn't look very well.

"Ow! Ugh, I feel like Grimlock used me for a punching bag. I ache all over." Sideswipe groaned in pain.

"Fight through it. We have a con to catch." Bee said with a weak voice.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant. I'm in pursuit of all three of them." Strongarm groaned, leaning on the rock.

Grimlock said, "You guys don't look so good."

"Neither do all of you." Strongarm added.

 That's when a space bridge portal opened itself, much to their surprise. Russell and Denny turned to Piper as she answered, "That wasn't Nova!!!"

 "Stay back. I'll handle this." Grimlock said as he got into his defense stance. They watch as the mysterious figure until Bee saw a familiar green bot emerging out of the portal.

"Knock, knock. Anybot....Oh....home?" 

"Bulkhead. Good to see you." Bee said weakly. "This is Strongarm, Grimlock, and Sideswipe.
I'd shake your hand, but....."

"No, tha-that's okay. What happened to you guys?" Bulkhead asked.

Fixit replied, "We met an unfamiliar Decepticon. Oh. Uh, these are our allies, Denny and Russell Clay and I'm Fixit."

"I'm Piper, Nova's operative." Piper added.

"I think she gave us a bad case of I don't know what." Sideswipe said sickly.

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